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Tonight was an unusual night within itself. Tonight was the annual masquerade. What made this particular masquerade so unusual was the fact that it was being hosted by Prince Minseok.

Prince Minseok didn't host parties and very rarely attended them. No one really knew why. Some speculated he lived a double life, others assumed he was disinterested and spoiled. One theory was that he remained in the background so when he did decide to make a public appearance, all eyes were on him. That was the more likely case, for whenever he did make an appearance, he had the entire kingdom's attention. He had such a profound way with words and such a breath-taking appearance, it was near impossible not to watch and listen to him.

You stood in front of your full length mirror, admiring your dress. You admired the dark blue fabric, attempting to follow the intricate gold design sewn into the skirt. You were extremely appreciative of the theme Prince Minseok had chosen, "Midnight".

"Lady Y/N," called a servant. You turned around, a soft smile gracing your lips. "Your mask, my Lady." You nodded, allowing the young girl to secure the mask on your face. The mask matched the dress beautifully, making you feel like a princess. You sighed wistfully, slowly turning.

"Thank you," you said, bowing your head.

Admiring the décor, you make your way to the ballroom. Everything from the decorations, to the food, to the guests themselves was decked out in black, silver, and midnight blue. For a man who's never hosted a party, he was doing a marvelous job.

"Y/N!" You turned your head, greeted by your best friend, Marchioness Y/F/N, hurriedly walking towards you. "Y/N! Oh my, you look exquisite," she told you, her smile shining bright.

"Thank you Y/F/N. I must say, I love your dress," you complimented. She giggled, spinning to show off her black and silver dress. "You're the envy of the ball, not even Prince Minseok will be able to keep his eyes off of you."

"You're too kind, my dear Y/N. Speaking of Prince Minseok, have you seen him?" she inquired. You shook your head, making her pout. She'd always had a minor crush on the prince, if you count an unhealthy obsession as minor.

Before you could assure her he'd show up, a man, dressed in a black suit and a dark blue mask approached the both of you. He briefly nodded to you, then turned his attention Y/F/N, flashing her a smile.

"May I be as bold as to ask for the first dance?" he inquired. She smiled, nodding as she slipped her hand into his.

You smiled fondly as he whisked her away. You slowly made your way around where the dancers were, quietly observing them as they laughed and danced. You were so engrossed with what they were doing, you ran straight into someone's back. You almost fell when a strong pair of arms caught you. Glancing up, you saw it was the man you'd run in to. You quickly straightened yourself. You curtsied, apologizing profusely. The man smiled, amused.

"No harm done," he assured you. He was wearing a dark blue suit with silver accents and a matching mask. "As long as you're okay." You smiled, grateful it wasn't some stuffy lord. He looked rather close to your age. He had black hair styled up to show his forehead. His voice sounded familiar, yet you couldn't place it. You didn't dwell on it, instead, offering a bow and continuing on your way.

You made it back to where you started by the time the song ended. Y/F/N ran up to you, flushed and slightly out of breath.

"I assume you enjoyed yourself," you laughed. She nodded excitedly.

"He was amazing Y/N," she sighed fanning herself. "He was so charming, and funny, and wow. Plus he said he was a prince. Maybe he was Prince Minseok!"

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