Hi bes fren

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One day majo let me kill his wife it was really romantic and wholesome. Since amina was jelous she stabbed me in the back and talked shit abt me, ik rlly sad uwu. But then i became a unicorn princess ash bb gorl only majos angel and then revived myself in kawaii uwu. Majo and i married and Amina was our dog i had 2 husbands and later on me and amina made out uwu in wholesome uwu. Rezija vas jelous so she killed amin w her flowers, i revived amina w my unicorn baba grill zombie baka baddie senpai powers.  Me and amina killed berina and berina died in style uwu. 

But little did we know majo was cheating on us w kerim so hena stle rezija and i killed amina for kerim uwu.

Rezija was at the end my baba grill...

Amina meet a dude, he was her senpai but little did he know amina was gay for me  and rezija....Amina and the dude started dating but she from her side didnt know he was a unicorn prince baka.....She then murdered him when she found out......then regret it and started doing drugs and smoking....................................................in that time i was in a strip club watching elephants strip................The dude was dead so amina stole his body and used it as a body pillow, when police found out they took her to prison but let her take him....after only 8 days in prison amina ate the body:)..............i was doing drugs and had my own drug store, i was living w my beloved person devna...we made money out of the happy flowers and got our selfs a maid, a dog and a lamb cuz why not....i had 6 lovers...the end:D

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2021 ⏰

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