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Valentino Valerius stood by the window as he gazed at the scene before him. His fifteen year old son,glaring at his other thirteen year old son while holding his other ten year old son behind him as though shielding him from the former. It was one of many scenes he had stumbled upon in the last three years or less. Ares wanting to play with the little boy who for some reason was always afraid of him. Actually scratch that,Anyone would be scared too if their big brother who was always seemingly to be glaring at you all the time suddenly took interest in you.

For what it's worth however, Storm only needed to whimper his discomfort and his wolf was breathing down his enemy's throat. Xander being the oldest had a natural big brother syndrome. The tinniest discomfort of his siblings drove his wolf insane. He was an alpha and naturally instincts screamed for him to protect those around him. His wolf Zane for some reason was even worse when it came to Dante. Not that the others weren't just as loved but his little brother Dante always gave off the omega vibe. And alphas protected omegas.

Val watched on as his second frowned at the oldest brother. When Xander's eyes flashed purple, Ares looked away in submission. It wasn't rocket science anymore, Zane didn't play around. And certainly didn't tolerate disrespect. Despite how crazy and hot headed Ares was he understood never to challenge the wolf. Brother or not Zane would put him in his place.

As he has so many times.

The brothers loved and cared for each other,they were close as brotherly bonds go. Xander was the only person Ares listened to,he was a stubborn little shit but he respected his elder brother.

A tiny smirk appeared on Val's lips as he looked at his youngest. Despite what everyone else thought,Dante didn't need saving from anyone.

Especially Ares. Ultimately the little lamb held all the power here. Though Even he didn't realize it just yet.

Nobody but Xander of course did.

Or so they thought.

Val watched on as Xander pulled Dante away from the scene. Ares fiercely clenching his fists as he glared at the two before turning around and stomping his way inside the villa.

If his anger didn't get the better of him and was actually paying even the slightest attention he would have noticed how Storm glanced back at him with a sad expression. Ares was irrational and hot headed. Everything was black and white in his world. He acted first,then asked questions later. Which might be a benefit in itself but could be a problem in the long run.

With a sigh Val sat back in his office chair with a heavy heart. He didn't know what would happen, he didn't want to worry his husband yet. And besides at this point nothing was confirmed.

"Speaking of husbands...." he trailed as he dialed his golden haired beauty's number.

"...I love you but I can't talk right now" Alvin panted on the other end.

"please don't tell me you are doing what I think you're doing Alvin."

"Of course not" he answered way too quickly. "I'm just talking to the kid...." He said even though Val could clearly hear the distinct sound of fresh meeting fresh.

Earlier Angel came home crying. And at first no one could get it out of her. When Alvin couldn't get his way,he threatened to send her to boarding school if she didn't tell him what was wrong. Turns out some senior jock made a pass at her in the school hallways,and when she rejected the idiot,he cornered her when she was alone. Had it not been for her self defense classes it would have been a different story. Alvin was pissed,like steam coming out of his ears pissed. His face was so red as he swore to sue the fucking school and kill the kid kind of pissed. Which I presume his probably doing right now.

Except I don't want him killing the kid.

He should bring the brat here we do it together.

"Don't kill him yet. Angel should decide his fate." Val reasoned,actually surprised Angel didn't do it herself. In normal circumstances she would've done worse.

"Oh. Isn't she like too traumatized or something?you know how kids are,let's just off him so she doesn't have to see him ever again..."


"...fine,be there in thirty." He grumbled and hang up.

Val chuckled as a knock came through the door.

"Come in"

Storm peaked from the door with wide green eyes as if expecting some monster to jump him. Val chuckled at the boy's antics and went to pull him in a hug. Despite being ten,Storm was as adorable and cute as a baby. Of all the children around, Storm was calm and easy to deal with. He didn't have temper tantrums like Angel or bipolar tendencies like Ares, nor was he weird and territorial like Xander.

...But Okay, maybe Storm was a little too quiet and reserved. Only spoke when spoken to and had a stare that could put Ares' to shame. He however despite those little quirks still managed to pull the adorable card.

"Papa, can I go with Xan to grandpa Leon's? Uncle Luca says his heading over and we wanna see gran gran.

"Hmm, and do I get a kiss for this? " Val teased tapping his cheek for Storm to kiss. Of course the boy was only too glad to oblige.

"Dad,can we go to grandpa's? " Alexander's voice boomed from the doorway.

Val raised a brow at the boy who sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Please "

"Oh I don't know Xan do you think you should be leaving the house when you're clearly still grounded from the stunt you pulled earlier?"

When Xander heard of what happened with Angel at school he let Zane out and had a go at the boy who pissed himself from the shook of the large wolf. It wasn't Really the defending his sister that got him grounded but showing his wolf to a human outside the syndicate and pack.

"Dad I know I shouldn't have but the guy was a twat and deserved it. Besides its all Zane's fault,he put me to sleep." The teen supplied as his eyes flashed purple clearly showing his wolf's disagreement.

"Fine, just let your Dad know at least" He gave in when Dante's emerald gaze started to turn blurry as a sign of incoming tears.

Yeah. Definitely not so innocent. He thought with a snort at his youngest.

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