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jaemin yawned loudly with a slight ruffle of his hair before pushing on into the quaint yet popular bakery he worked in. his loose jeans and massive cardigan hung on his frame a bit suggestively, but he'd never been the type to care much about fashion. when he was a young teenager with all sorts of worries and insecurities wracking his brain, he sort of malfunctioned and couldn't decide whether he wanted to be the pretty boy more dominant men would pursue, or a slightly more sexy and appealing masculine one that did the chasing. in the end he ended up like this; a strange mixture of both.

the chiming of the bell sang throughout the little, aesthetic structure and notified the workers of his arrival. well, 'workers' was just a code name for his family. his relatives all owned this place, and he was the child expected to continue its legacy for he was the bearer of 'the gift'. special hands capable of brilliant baking and cooking.

"hey bro, what took you so long?! jinmi left like, an hour ago and i've had to take care of the counter alone," his younger and more bold sister complained. in order of age, it went maeyoung, who was in college as well and wasn't particularly fond of working here full time. then jaemin, the only boy, followed by jinmi who was a free spirit and lastly ahna, the youngest and most mouthy sibling.

"sorry, i was staying with a friend."

"oooo, was it jeno? i bet it was~" she teased playfully and started making kissing sounds while drawing air hearts. "like damn, you two need to get together already. you're so old."

"old? woman, i'm literally in my first year of college! you're just a baby."

"huh?! i'm a junior! old enough!"

what a brat, the ravenette thought with an inward scoff before tossing his bag down off his back and onto the floor behind the counter. "i'm gonna get changed. can you, oh wise and ancient one, look after the counter for another fifteen minutes?"

"ugh, yeah," she sighed. "don't take too long, i'm bored as hell."

"yeah, yeah." he trailed over to the staircase hidden behind a jutted-out section of the wall and proceeded to ascend towards their home which was on the second and third floor of the building. their little community was warm and cosy, if described as anything. their lives revolved around this place, and what brought the three sisters and their only brother even closer was the fact that they all liked boys — it was like a whole knew way to bond.

"nana, you're home~" his mother sang and rushed out from her kitchen to see him. her arms were open, and so he gladly accepted the hug and nuzzled into her neck. "did you have a good night? sorry to pull you away from your weekend."

𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴; renminWhere stories live. Discover now