November 1994

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"I heard that the house meetings we're having tomorrow are about the Yule Ball," Hermione whispered.

"Merlin, is it November already?" Y/N shook her head

"It's right after we come back from Christmas break, right?" Ginny asked


"The week after"

"We should go dress shopping when you come for the both are staying right?"

"Of course"

"Wouldn't miss it"

"When do you think people will start getting dates?"

"Pavarti told me Lavender Brown is already planning to ask Theo Nott next week"

"But that's so soon!"

"Power to her I guess"

"Once the first person asks it'll be a madhouse"

"I know"

"Are you guys gonna ask anyone?"

Hermione and Y/N pondered Ginny's question for a moment, thinking of anyone they would possibly ask.

"I've got so much going on with exams, probably not," Hermione looked down at her book, unfazed by the idea of stressing over a date. She had more important things to do.

"I mean, our group will probably just end up pairing up anyway, right?" Y/N pointed out, reminding her friends of their seemingly endless group of male friends.

Ginny nodded, then broke the silence quickly, "I'm gonna ask someone"

"PLEASE tell me it's who I think it is?"


Ginny nodded, crossing her arms. Hermione and Y/N started cheering before Ginny shushed them, concerned from the many looks they were receiving by the rest of the Gryffindors.

"Blaise would be so fun to go to a dance with"

"Absolutely. I love you two together."

"Well we AREN'T together. But he's so...ATTRACTIVE"


"Don't have to tell me twice. Cannot believe he's our friend."

"And funny? And smart? And kind? And TALL?" Ginny swooned.

"SO tall"

"One of the tallest people we know!" The girls erupted into laughter, so much so that they missed two of their best friends, Draco and Harry walk towards them from the entrance of the common room.

"What is going on over here?" Draco sat on the arm of Hermione's chair.

"Ginny is going to ask Blaise to the Yule Ball" Hermione raised her eyebrows at him in response.

"Atta girl"

"Isn't it a bit early to start asking people?" Harry took a seat on the couch next to where Y/N sat on the floor.

She turned to look up at him, resting her elbow on his knee "Lavender is asking Theo Nott NEXT WEEK"

"Next week?"

"Next week."

"Is it November?"

"That's what I said!"

"I'm not asking him NOW, I'm not Lavender, but as soon as the first person asks people are going to start scrambling, so I'm simply being prepared"

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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