Chapter 1

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© Taengoo1209 for Story Line and hannie89 for my beautiful poster ^^ (Thanks chingu! :D)

A huge crowd of SONEs, specifically Gorjess Spazzers filled the studio of Strong Heart. It was Lee Seunggi and Kang Ho Dong’s entertainment show. Jessica, a member of the most famous girl group in the country, is at the recording studio for TV guesting. 

“Let’s cheer for So Nyeo Shi Dae’s Ice Princess, Jessica-ssi” MC Seunggi introduced and claps excitedly.

Jessica chuckled before she bowed to the audience. She remembered that nickname when Girls’ Generation debuted. She used to introduce herself with that. It’s just she don’t use that now anymore.  “Anyeong Haseyo, Jessica imnida

The fans get wild after that short introduction.

“Wah, Jessica ssi~ looks like you brought the whole Korea in the studio right now” MC Ho Dong kidded.

She cannot help but laugh “Not really, Oppa~

“So before the fans outraged to their seats, let’s start asking her” MC Seunggi glances to his cue card.

Jessica just stared at him for a moment, waiting for the question.

After a matter of seconds, he asked her “What’s your biggest mistake in life, Jessica?”

She was too stunned for a while because a painful memory suddenly came back from her past.  Jessica is now zoning out.

“LEE DONGHAE” keeps on flashing to her mind.


Two years ago, a Super Junior and a Girls’ Generation member was rumored to be having a relationship. Well, the management didn’t let them get away since various pictures from different fan sites are swarming in the internet world.

“What’s the meaning of this, Donghae and Jessica?” Mr. Sooman, SM Entertainment’s CEO asked them.

“Isn’t it clear to the both of you that having relationships or dating is not allowed in my company?”

Jessica responded “Sir, we are not dating. The fans are just making false ideas. They are just mistaking the closeness of both groups.”

Mr. Lee crinkled his brows “Is she stating the truth, Donghae?”

For a matter of seconds, Donghae stares to their boss with his misty eyes. He started to grinned and clenched his fists.

They both noticed it. Jessica, on the other hand, is hoping that he will not reveal their relationship. They already talk about that as soon as the rumor erupted. The couple predicted that Mr. Lee will summon them in his office and he did.

Yes, they have secret relationship ever since up to present and now, because of their carelessness, they are discovered by the public and management. Still, they are denying everything so that their careers will not be at stake.

“Donghae ssi~ is she ---” He was cut off by Donghae’s sudden raised of voice.

“NO! We had a relationship” He blurted out of the blue, maybe because of irritation.

Mr. Lee, in response, pounded the table with his bare hands because of disappointment and anger while Jessica’s eyes started to be cloudy.

“That’s not true, sir.”

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