Tanner is back!!

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~ Tanner POV~

Its been 3 weeks since I got out. I was running from the cops wearing my disguise and keeping a low profile. I avaioded all contact with people so no one would recognize me. Everyone has heard that excaped from prison, either from the news on television or on newspapers. Either way there's only one place I can go now, my sister Rena's house. I dont know what she's gonna say when I visit her, its been a long time since I last saw her. And know that lots of people know that im a criminal, she could easilly trick me and turn me in. My sister is known to be the most sly person in my family. So I better be really careful. After so much running and hideing I finally got to her door step and rang the bell. The door opened and as soon as I saw her we both looked eachother in the eyes like its been centuries since we met face to face. She was around the same age as me, but she was still I few inches shorter than me. Luckly she let me in, but I still had my guard up incase she tried to pull anything crazy.

Rena: Ive heard about you breaking out of prison
Tanner: yeah
Rena: if you're worried about me turning you in. Its fine I wont snitch
Tanner: r-really? Thanks
Rena: of course. But what made you become a criminal, I thought you were happy with that Jade girl
Tanner: thats the thing, she kinda...broke up with me
Rena: WHAT WHY!!!
Tanner: She found someone else...he's not even that cool like me
Tanner: his name is Drake, I kinda got a little love sick and kidnapped them both. Im also broke from paying the thugs I had to help me.
Rena: D-Dr-Drake???
Tanner: do you know him
Rena: I use to see him in high school, I told him I had a crush on him b-but....HE REJECTED MY FEELINGS!!!
Tanner: im really sorry sis
Rena: dont worry brother...I have I way to get revenge on them both
Tanner: really?!
Rena: sure, I was the most sly in the fam remember
Tanner: alright so whats the plan....

Here you go....the first chapter to book 2
I hope yall enjoy this next book too
Until next time...



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