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Clover Maxwell (this would be you if I go into first person)
Aged 14
Girl: she/her
Born 14th February 2006
Blue eyes, lightly tanned skin, dark brown hair
4.4ft tall
Attends F.S school in Incheon
Loves to stare deep into people's soul to figure out what type of person they are.
Has a skill for art and photography
Sadly hated a lot by others

Choi HaRim
Aged 14
Girl: she/her
Born 3rd December 2006
Brown eyes, pale skin, light brown hair
4.3ft tall
Attends S.H school in Seoul
Loves to draw people alive or dead.
Has many friends and people that love her

Kim YoonWon
Aged 14
Girl: she/her
Born 12th February 2006
Brown eyes, pale skin, dirty blond hair
4.6ft tall
Attends S.H school in Seoul
Love to help people but is quiet naughty in school
Loved by everyone buts also hated on for being friends with Clover

Growing up unloved by many was hard for Clover, she lived in a small village near London in a small house shared with 7 peoole, but due to her dad's work she was having to move to Incheon in South Korea. She would be leaving her 1 and only true Best friend Kim YoonWon who has korean parents. YoonWon was always there for Clover no matter what and she always defended her in every situation, she help her with school work and homework, which would surprise many as she was always the hyper naughty student but she was loved by many but also hated on for being friends with Clover.

Many times Clover tried to unfriend YoonWon when someone told YoonWon to not be friends. She hated seeing YoonWon cry because of her.

Leaving her would be best Clover successfully convinced herself. But she new deep down it wasn't, she knew she wouldn't be able to survive with out YoonWon....

'What if its a new beginning and over there people will like me and be friends with me' she tried telling her self.. multiple times..

"Beep beep" Clover imitated her phones sound while going to grab it

When you leaving?
                                  Next week....
Noo to soon

Hello beautiful
                          Hello WONderful
How is packing??
                                           I hate it.
Haha ofc you do, hey
Listen you will make
many friends okay
You won't lose me either
I've gtg my dad's
shouting my name
                       Okayz bye love youu

Days later.
And so its leaving day. The day Clover dreads the most but the same time she's glad she leaving, she already applied to F.S school in Incheon and has left her old school. She was waiting outside Wonies house waiting to give her a big BiG BIG tight hug, she doesn't know when she will next see her.

She was slowly and quietly walking up to the door when all of a sudden

"OMG REALLY!?!?!? YESSSS!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUU" someone screams, making the bird fly off the bird feeder.

Clover got scared and quickly knocked. Wons mum answered.

"Hello I'm here to say good bye to Wonie and to-" Clover was cut off by a tearful child running towards her sending her flying landing on her back

"AHHHHHHh that hurt"

"Well now you know how much pain I will be in when u leave" YoonWon giggled

"It didn't hurt much so i guess you won't miss me much eit-" cut of again but this time was to a tight hug stoping her from breathing


"Oh yeah sorry I forgot" Ofc she forgot its Wonie were talking about, she forgets everything 🙄😂

"Do you want gimbap?" Ms Kim said

"Yes please
my last meal with you" they both started to cry. Well accept for Wonie she was giggling again. Rude right?!..

They sat down and ate there gimbap and it was DELICIOUS as always 😋

"Anyways mum can I tell her now!" Said and excited Wonie

"Tell me what?" Clover confused as hell asked

"Heheh were-


Hehe that's this chapter done. My first book and first chapter ah what's this book not do well 💀💀💀.

Next part is up💫😀

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