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© malyenz, 2021

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© malyenz, 2021.

IN THE BEGINNING, THERE were three: Eden Blair, Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall

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IN THE BEGINNING, THERE were three: Eden Blair, Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall. Rare was it, to catch sight of little Eden without Stiles and Scott following behind seconds later. The friendship was a duo at first, consisting of only Scott and Stiles, but the moment Eden strolled into the kindergarten class wielding a Batman lunchbox, Stiles repeatedly insisted that they had room for one more. Scott relented, and before anyone else could lay claim to the new girl, the pair had already claimed her as their new, ultra-rad best friend. And that was that.

Their group of two had become three and nobody dared to argue against it. Together, the three musketeers slayed imaginary dragons, pretended to ( in Scott's case, actually did ) eat mud pies, and created multiple top-secret lairs out of mundane places like the school's playground, the back of Blair's Flower Shoppe, and during super secret missions, Scott's bedroom. They were unstoppable, and at one point, nobody in Beacon Hills could ever imagine their friendship ending. Until it did.

Nobody knew exactly what happened, what words were exchanged or whether they even fought. All anybody outside of the trio knew was that shortly after Eden was placed in a different elementary school class than her two friends, her appearances alongside them lowered in frequency. If she wasn't spotted at their side during lunch, you'd be sure to glimpse her holding Stiles' hand or riding on Scott's back after school. Although attempts at severing their connection had been made, they still made every effort to keep the flame of their friendship burning all the same. But as time went on, the fire dwindled into ash and cinder that wouldn't relight no matter how late one of them stayed behind to see the other.

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