just a story

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Just to think, it all started with a game of Risk.

There was a girl. She had a very happy life, was always smiling. She played the clarinet, was on the soccer team and the swim team. She had plenty of friends, from both school and Hebrew School. What could've gone wrong? 

On a Saturday afternoon, the girl played a game of Risk with her sister and dad. The girl knew that she wasn't very good, but what made it worse, were her sister's comments. Things like you're terrible, why don't you just quit, and more. One thing about this girl was that she took every single thing you said to her to be true. The girl got very testy and her self-confidence went down.

The next week at school, she had changed. She stopped sitting with her friends at lunch, wore huge sweatshirts every day of the week and didn't smile as much. She quit soccer and swimming. She stopped going to Hebrew school and cut herself off from those friends. This caused most of the students to start teasing her. Her friends tried to stand by her, but stopped when the girl stopped talking or even trying.

By summer vacation, the girl's grades had all dropped to all F's and she had seemed to lost the desire to live. She had joined multiple fandoms and spent most of her time with her head in a book, even more so than usual. She had quit playing her clarinet and deleted social media. She continued to wear the big sweatshirts to hide the fact that she cut herself daily. She ignored her family and everyone around her. 

By the next school year, the girl was very depressed. She put all her time into fandoms and preparing for her Bat Mitzvah. She continued to get bullied, get told things like 'why don't you just go kill yourself', 'nobody likes you' and names such as loser and freak.

Eventually, the girl planned to kill herself. So she did. The girl thought that nobody cared, but truely, they did. When she was gone, nobody could stop her. 

Everybody missed that one peppy girl, the one that could lift everyone's spirits by smiling. Every day, at least one person that knew her thought 'I should've talked to her. I could've sat by her at lunch, at least tried to lift her spirits". 

Please, if you're depressed, don't do this. You have somebody out there that loves you and cares about you, even if they don't act like it. There's other ways. Please don't commit suicide.

AN: Although this girl is me, none of this story is true except for the first two paragraphs.

-thaliaspinetree, 2015

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