Chapter 1

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A/N: I decided to write this quick one shot of The Orville. So yeah, if you don't like it, it's understandable as I've written way too many one fanfics of Ed being hurt or sick and I can't really control myself for doing so. Feel free to leave reviews and votes if you want, and don't forget to follow me as well. Thanks.

Ed was breathing erratically a lot, placing both hands on his stomach as he felt a ton of pain in it. He was hurting so badly that he couldn't do his job properly without needing the bathroom every 5 minutes from all that puking he's been doing. This morning, he felt this strange pain in his stomach as he tried to eat. It wasn't helping and so he tried to eat something light like toast, but that still didn't help as he was very nauseous and proceeded to vomit his guts out.

"Captain, is everything alright?" Bortus asked him.

"Yes. It's nothing all that important. So, what were you saying?" He cleared his throat.

"I was saying that we have to do some kind contest where we show off our dance moves from our home planets. What do you think of it?" He explained to him.

Ed was feeling lightheaded and felt another pain in his stomach and clutched it hard. He was seriously this close to passing out and went to synthesize a water bottle. He felt a wave of nausea again on his way to the synthesizer and ran to the bathroom. He wiped his arm afterwards from the vomit. His hands ended up shaking a lot and that frightened him. He was seriously in pain and screamed so loudly. His eyes were starting to get heavy as they were closing shut. Meanwhile in the briefing room, Kelly was worried about Ed. He hasn't came back and it's been only 15 minutes.

"Commander, what's wrong?" John asked her.

"It's the Captain. He hasn't came back and I'm starting to get worried about him." She said.

"I'll check up on him." Gordon said, getting up. He went to the bathroom and looked in every stall until he found Ed in one. He was there, laying unconscious. "Ed? You alright?" Come on, it's too early to sleeping." Gordon slapped his cheek lightly. "Ed!!! Buddy, wake up!" He exclaimed. Gordon ran back to the briefing room and made it back, panting.

"Lieutenant, what seems to be the problem?" Isaac asked.

"The Captain is laying in the bathroom unconscious!" He said, fear in his voice.

"What??? Show us where he is!" Claire said as she and the crew went to Gordon's direction. They found Ed and Claire began checking his vitals. "Oh my god, this cannot be good." She said, getting her medical team to show up quickly as possible.

"How did this happen?" Talla asked.

"I-I don't know." Gordon said, holding back tears. Kelly was beginning to cry as she couldn't believe this was all happening.

"You guys need to move out of the way and leave for now." Claire explained to the crew.

"Alright." They shrugged and went back to the bridge afterwards, not saying anything.

"Captain, you're going to be okay. Remain calm." Claire said to him, as he was in a gurney to sick bay. Ed regained conscious briefly as he felt an IV onto his arm and grimaced at the needle going through it.

Once he was in sick bay, Claire and her team started checking up on him some more. Ed was breathing heavily that he felt another cramp in his stomach, making it more unpleasant since the nausea also happened to come back at the same time.

"God, this is so painful!!!" He shouted, screaming his lungs out. He fell unconscious again and didn't wake up for the rest of the evening. That day, Ed woke up and felt a little bit better. Not completely, but somewhat.

"Captain, you're awake. Try not to move much." Claire told him.

"What happened?" He said, not sure what was going on.

"Sir, it seems like you have this disease that the Domoith get on a rare basis." She told him, explaining how he got it. "Because of that, we have to keep you under observation to see if you're well enough to be on duty again." She finished.

"Do you have any water? I'm desperately thirsty." He asked.

"You can have crushed ice and that's it." She told him, handing it to him. Ed tried to eat it himself but couldn't move his left hand.

"Now, when we see the Captain, we have to make sure to not hug him or stress him out. Got it?" Kelly said to the crew.

Claire told them what happened with Ed, how he got this disease from the Domoith. It's likely that in their last mission, Ed contracted the disease itself but who knows. The crew went to sick bay and went to his room.

"You're alive, Ed!" Gordon smiled, about to hug him but forgot about that.

"Hey, guys." He said weakly, trying to get up.

"Sir, how are you feeling?" Talla asked, getting another pillow for him.

"A little bit of pain but mostly okay." He answered, feeling uneasy still.

"Dr. Finn said you'll make a good recovery. Just hang in there." Bortus said.

"I hope so too." Ed nodded. He wasn't in much pain as he was before, but still had to take it easy. The nausea itself was still happening but not as much anymore.

As for his hands, they stopped shaking but still don't work. That'll clear up is what Claire assured him. The next day later, Ed was feeling much better but still had to take some time off. He was still in a bit of pain but that's mostly going away. Everything else seems to be fine, which was a relief at least. He went to sleep in his own bed and dozed off afterwards.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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