Blasted to the past

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Me and Josie ran after Lizzy she chained herself to the tree. Lizzy was being possessed by an Oin. We where trying to find a way to kill it without killing her. Joise siphon the magic of out the sword. Doing that she gave everyone there memories of Hope Mikaelson. By doing that she sent Hope to the past.

Hopes pov

As I woke up to me being in some one basement. I walked up the stairs and it turned out to be the Salvatore school but it looked different. As I walked to the door I heard someone say" Who the hell are you" I turned around and it was Elane and Bonnie. I was shocked. " I am Hope. I stood there in shock.

"Will what are you doing here.
" something happened with a spell I did.
" so you are a witch. Bonnie said.
" I can  feel the magic coming off of you,and you are powerful.
"Will I am a descendant of the Hollow.
"The what?
Never mind, I am leaving now so bye.
I walked out of there and headed to the grill. I got to the grill and walked to the bar. And I saw the unexpected. My Dad I didn't know what to do i wanted to hug him but he was different. The bar tender comes up to me. What would you like," she asked me.
Whiskey. I said.
Ok I will get that for you. She came back and gave me my drink. Thanks. She walked over back to my dad.

Them talking

Klaus I don't think I can do this alone.
," then ask one of you witch friends for help.
," I think that girl over there can help.
," will she is very powerful more powerful then Bonnie. And she is a Tribrid the only one of her kind.
," how is that possible.
," I don't know. But she is powerful more powerful then you.
,"I will go talk to this girl. He said walking over there.

Hello luv what are you doing here? Aren't you to young.

," First of all I am 16. Second of all who the Hell are you.

," the name is Klaus Mikaelson.

," Oh, the all powerful hybrid. I said acting like I don't know him.

," I need you help.

," why would I help you. I said. I couldn't give in that easily. Even though I was going to help him in the end

," if you don't i will tell everyone what you are.

," fine I will help. He was smiling as we walked over.

," This is Stefan and this is Rebecca.

," Hi. I said

," So you are the Tribrid that Klaus was talking about with the witch. Stefan said.

," I guess I am. I said while sitting down. What would you like me to do. I said to them.

,"Will I want you to find my mother's Necklace. Klaus said.

," OK but I am going to need Rebecca.

," OK let's get this Bloody spell over with. Rebecca said in a sassy tone.
I took Rebecca hands and started saying a spell. I saw people it looked likes two girls. One brown skin with long brown hair, and the other with Long black hair. I knew they must have been  Elena and Bonnie. Stefan wasn't really on dad's side and so wasn't this witch that is helping them. I had to do something. I opened my eyes and they where all looking at me.

," well what did you see? Klaus said with an impatient tone. I didn't reply and stood up and snapped that witch neck. Then Snape Stefan neck.

," what the Bloody hell was that for. My dad said getting angry.

," will I saw the neck on Elane neck and I also saw Bonnie. So they weren't really working for you. Stefan just wanted out of Mystic Falls. And the witch wanted the necklace. Instead of being rube you could thank me.

,"Why in the world would Stefan betray me? Klaus said with a little hurt in his eyes.

,"I don't know made it is because he is trying to keep one of the girls safe. I said in an annoyed tone.

,"Well then sister I guess we are going to Mystic Falls. And you little wolf are coming with us. He said with a smirk on his face.

This is the end of the book. I hope you like it. I didn't know the witch's name that help Klaus out in the show. And hope is going to be a full Tribrid and she and Landon broke up before she got stuck in that past. And soon Kai Parker will be in there soon. He is hope love interest. She is also going to be a badass because I am tired of her not using her full power on the show and tired of them showing thay she is weak. Hope you loved it 💖 ❤

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