Chapter 1 - Age Appropriate

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"Dear Society
You pushed me to the edge, so here's some clarity
My daily dose of intern-"

"Mads, it's 9:30! Hurry up, I've got Michael waiting for me for a training session", his voice echoed through the house and awoken me from my dreamfilled state. "Shit!", I hissed under my breath as I stepped out of the shower and positioned myself in front of the mirror. I had less than thirthy minutes to get ready and step out of that door. As quickly and as swiftly as humanly possible, I untagled my hair, followed by my make up and got dressed in the outfit my stylist picked out for me the day before. Sprinting downstairs, I ended up falling in the last step, which only earned me a love filled attack by my dogs, who quickly came to my rescue. Being busy with the pawful attack, I didn't even notice his tall and muscular frame standing besides me. Easily, he hoisted me up and handed up a to go cup filled with an iced brew.
Stepping outside, the warm morning sun automatically lifted my spirits and I got in the sports car ready to ace my interview.
I was about to go on my best friends podcast for an interview on basically my entire life. He dropped me off at the entrance of her place and I quickly entered her apartment building, going up to her apartment. In less then 10 minutes, we were ready to start and to be honest I was quite nervous.

"Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of "Girl Talk with a Twist", her voice was smooth and calm. "On today's episode we will be talking about romance and relationships and I have here with me a very special guest, my true soulmate, the best friend a girl could ask for - Madison Mendes.", she cheered and encouraged me to talk.
"Hello everyone, it's a pleasure to be part of this project of yours, which I am so proud of", I smiled sweetly at her.
"Maddie, as I've mentioned before today's topic is romance, love and relationships. When we were first coming up with this topic my mind immediatly thought about inviting as for me you live the relationship of my dreams.", I blushed at her words and thanked her for the kindness. "So, Maddie the first question I have to ask you - for how long have you known him?"
"Well, we met about eight years ago, when I was seventeen and he was already twenty-five years old."
"Could you tell us a bit about the story of when you two met?", she kindly suggested and I started to think back to that day, while narrating it.

"Maddie, look up now, please!", the photagrapher Aiden told me, while taking multiple pictures of me, while I posed as I was instructed. From the corner of my eye, I could see my mother typing away on her phone, while continuously tapping her foot against the pavement. I knew she was growing anxious, as we are meant to head to Milton Keynes, where James' friend's house is located. James Davis married my mother, when I was just three years old and he was the only real father figure I had in my life. When I turned five years old, he officially adopted me and treated me as his own blood, which I will forever be grateful for, since my biological father had abondened me and my mother, while she was pregnant with me, since he didn't want to take the responsability. Truth be told, I was the product of a shitty relationship and of a drunken mistake. Not that I hold any grudges against my mother, as she raised me the best she could with the full support of my grandparents, who are two of the most special people I have in my life. We don't have the typical granddaugher-grandparents relationship, no our relationship goes beyond that.

Okay, Madison chill, you have been rambling on without properly introducing yourself. First of all, welcome all of you to the inside of my brain, be aware that from now on our journey will be messy. But let's start from the beginning, my name is Madison Sophia Mendes, but everyone just calls me Maddie for short. I'm 17 years old and I've been working as an actress for Disney since I was ten years old, which means I have become quite the household name of the Disney family. Right now, I'm in the talks to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which I am beyond excited as it's a huge opportunity for me, since I could be working with some of Hollywood's biggest actors and actresses.
As you understood from earlier, my mother had me at a quite young age and my biological father has never been a present figure in my life, however James stepped in his shoes and took full responsability for me. James and my mother had four other children together, so our family is quite big. But later on you will meet my whole family. My mother put me in musical theatre programmes from quite an early age, as I was a super enthusiastic kid and always adored to put on shows for my family. One day, I had the opportunity to audition for Disney Channel, where my actress carrier took off.

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