Chapter One

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Sunlight streamed into the council chamber, washing the marble floor in warmth and brightness. Firewood crackled and hissed, as smoke rose up to the sky. Footsteps, my footsteps, echoed as I walked. My gaze was fixed on the thrones in front of me. On the only two gods present.

Zeus, who I expected, and Dad, who I didn't.

This wasn't how this was supposed to go. It was only supposed to be Zeus. My heart hammered in my throat, choking me with every beat and pulse. Each breath I took wavered, and it only grew worse with each step under their heavy gazes. The palms of my hands itched. I swallowed. This has to work. It has to.

I knelt. Warm tears slid down my face. In a bid to keep my composure, because I needed to if I wanted this to go well, I dug my nails into my leg. It didn't do much; even the thin material of my pants was enough to keep it from hurting.

"Percy," said Dad. "What's wrong? Why are you here?"

No answer came to my tongue. I could have asked the same of him. He wasn't supposed to be here. I didn't respond, even as the air around me crackled and swirled, the personalities and powers of the two gods clashing.

"Perseus, why did you come here?" Zeus asked.

Swallowing, I looked up. I didn't stand; I didn't think I would be able to. "I want to ask a favor." No, not a favor. A favor would imply I was going to give something in return eventually.

"And what makes you think you are in any position to be-"

"What do you want to ask us for?" Dad asked, interrupting his brother with obvious pleasure at the fact. My reply came out through clenched teeth and barely parted lips. It was unintelligible, even to myself.

"Speak up."

"I want you to kill me."

The ground rumbled and my gaze darted to Dad. His eyes were wide. With a white knuckled grip, he looked like he was restraining himself. Whether it was for me or for him, I didn't know. Zeus didn't look much better. While it didn't look like he was about to throw himself out of his seat, electric blue eyes were narrowed and there was no sign of his usual stormy expression.

"Why- Why do you...?"

"Why do you want us to kill you?" Desperation laced Dad's voice. Whether it came from my request or wanting to know the reasons behind it, I couldn't tell. The tears running down my face hastened. He wasn't supposed to know, and now it was going to be so much harder.

"Everyone around me, everyone I care about, they just get hurt. I don't- I won't let anyone else die because of me!" I slammed my palms against the floor. Tremors shook through my arms. "So just kill me and get it over with."

Dad's feet drew back and he braced his arms. Zeus glared at him, and Dad sank into his throne. "Perseus," he said, tapping his fingers on the arm rest. His trident seemed to glow. "The Fates determine the length of one's life. Your friends were meant to die then, and even if you had prevented the manner they would have perished nonetheless."

"Don't you think I know that?" My face scrunched up and I pressed my eyelids together. Anything to stop the sob trying to come out. I sat back, letting my arms wrap tight around my body and my nails dig hard into my arms. "I can wake up and tell myself that I couldn't do anything, that it's not my fault, but it doesn't change how I feel. It doesn't change the fact that they're all dead and I'm the only one who fucking survived that battle." Pain as my nails pressed harder, into one of the gashes along my arm. I took a deep breath, swallowed, and tried to get ahold of myself. "I am begging you. Kill me. Please." My voice broke upon the final word, echoing around the chamber in a vicious mockery.

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