Merobyn Crisis Part 1

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Chapter - 01

Evan Rosvain had, by now decided that his life was terrible. All day from the time he woke up early in the morning all that was expected of him was work, from babysitting his adoptive sister Teresa to cleaning the house to helping out in the farm.

As his boring monotonous life spread before him he wondered about the time just five years ago when he too had had a family who loved him and a life that suited the wishes of a fourteen year old. However, when on that fateful day that terrible fire took away his family everything had changed. A family in the country had adopted him and since then everything had gone downhill.

"Boy! Is this what we feed you for?" The anxious voice of Aunt Viloma broke into his ruminations and he stood up straight from where he had dozed off under a tree when he was supposed to milk the cows. "Sorry," Evan muttered picking up his bucket. He looked out at the blue sky and the beautiful Cay River that flowed lazily downstream and whispered into the wind "Soon I too will be as free as you".

This was what made him endure endless torture from his adoptive parents. This promise that one day he could escape. Ever since he had turned fourteen his thought had been completely overridden by schemes and plans on how and when, but now finally he was decided. He would go tonight. He had had enough of delay. Evan sighed and started milking the cow, his thoughts running haywire in excitement.

As night fell, he could barely hide his grin. "What are you grinning at, boy?" Uncle Sombres growled at him but none of these usual torments bothered him anymore. The one thought inside his head was "I'm free".

At midnight when all his chores were done and everyone had gone to bed, he scoured the house for all the food he could carry, stuffed them into one of Teresa's old backpacks with his clothes and stepped out. The elations that hit him were ambrosia for all the torments he had endured.

"Fiona," he thought suddenly hesitating. Fiona Greenwood had been the only person who had cared about him for all the years he had lived in the farms. And suddenly the thought of leaving her hit him with force of an express train. "I'll come back" he thought to himself. Until then a letter would have to do. Setting down his bag, he wrote,

Dear Fiona,

Please understand. I can't stay anymore. I can't stand this torture. I know you might hate me for throwing all your kindness away. I'm sorry. I truly am. But, I don't know what else to do. Lately my life has become a nightmare and I don't know what the Merobyns' will ask of me next.

Thank you for all you did. I'm not going far. At least, not yet. If you ever need me I will be in the Ada Island off the coast of the Cay and my boat will be at the docks. Please keep this secret. That is all I ask of you. Goodbye.


Nothing would be the same again, but the knowledge that Fiona knew where he was, soothed him. He crept to the docks and uncovered the old canoe he had found in uncle Sombres' old barn. No one would miss it because no one but him knew it existed. Climbing on he said goodbye to a life of toils greeting unchartered waters with open arms. Ada Island wasn't far.

After rowing along for about hundred yards, he rowed around the tiny uninhabited island and into the small cove hidden from viewers in the mainland. Storm clouds gathered overhead as Evan walked inland. He knew some would laugh at his choice of a safe haven but he had nowhere else to go. Elation about his newly earned freedom soon wore off as weariness from the day's worked bore into him. It was all he could do to sit down under a tree before he passed out.

x x x x

The smell of hot bread and ham cut its way into his dreams, slowly waking him up with nostalgic wishes for a hot meal. Even as he shook himself awake, the delicious aroma of hot food nestled in the air. "What the..." He trailed off as he realised who stood before him. "Fiona what are you..." His questions were cut off as she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug.

A few seconds later, she stepped back looking embarrassed. Evan felt blood rush to his face and he looked down to hide the blush. But Fiona wasn't taking silence. "What did you think you were doing Evan?" she yelled. "Running off in the middle of the night, and coming here of all places." "Fiona, I-" he was cut off yet again by Fiona. "What are you going to say? huh, Sorry? Do you have any idea what it was like to wake up to the sound of the Merobyns' running around screaming that you were gone?"

Fiona's grey-blue eyes blazed with anger as she stepped forward and punched him on the shoulder with such force he stumbled back. A amused laugh escaped him and soon both of them were sitting on the ground laughing. She brought forward a bag food and they sat eating and talking for a long time. Hours later when it was time for her to leave she said with resolution, "I'll come again and until then you're on your own. Okay?"

"Yeah, that's sort of the point", laughed Evan earning another punch. "Oh fine I can look after myself. I'm gonna go over to the other bank I try to earn some money" She laughed and got on the boat, as she was moving away he called out almost as an afterthought, "Bring over some of your books will you?" She smiled shaking her head in amusement and waved goodbye and Evan Rosvain, with a smile on his face turned to face his new life.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2021 ⏰

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