poopis lacrontis was al3ays bullied by at scjool, and theyfve hated each other all school year but then something happens..........
poopius lacrontis got home from schiol on a friday asnd got on their favorite game pony town. hoping their friend would be on, they wenr tp the main spot. they sat there for a few minutes befofe theire friend suddenly appeared. "hey" they typed inthe chat bar. poopis's friond statred typing and saisd, "i think we hould meet up INR REAL LIFE" ppoopis thought about it for amomeny then remembered they mentione d that they live in the same town. they thought for another swecond then decieded. "yeah sure, where?" theythen planned out where they would meet and when. a n hour po=asses and they both get off.the nest day:
y/n walked into the diner casually, a little bit late but thats OK. poopis already sat there at a booth inthe cotrner. they siiddenly gasped atthe sight of y/n , their BULLY. poopis ducked to hdie by the table but y/n walked to the botth and asked, "have you seen anymonwe here looking gfor me?" [oopis was confused why theywere asking them of all peop,r. they sat upand said they were looking for someone too. "im looking for someonme named poopmonster69" says y/n.
poopis gasps again and thonkgs, "thats ME but why would my bully know my pony rown username???" they thought for a second and suddenliy it clicked. Y/N IS pisskinker. "well............................. um IM poopmonstaer69........" y/n stared at them in disbelifeb. could the oene person they hate be also the person they love???? they still could not beleive twhat was hapening. "so youtr the person i hate ANDlike?????????" said y/n, getting very confuse. "waiot you like me???????// *flushed emojiflushed emojiflushed emojiflushed emojiflushed emojiflushed emojiflushed emojiflushed emojiflushed emoji*" poopis was sosurpised they PASSED OUT,.
vha[ter 2 soon....................
poopis lacrontis x reader
Romanceone day poopis lacrontis was on pony town then their friend asks to meet up irl...... what will haooen?????????????????