I one time was in my crusty and musty ass fucking roomᥬ😨᭄ I was just on my computer doing some online school because my fat ass teacher won't stop telling me about my grade, which is an E, in her class. LIKE BITCH I DONT GIVE 2 FUCKS AB IT WHITE ASS BITCH. Anyways I was just in my room and I decided, TO MAKE A PORN ACC!!!1! And so I went on ugly ass old chrome and searched "pornhub.com" and surprisingly it wasn't blocked (fuck yea🤤) so I went on there and clicked "make account." I saw some ad when I clicked it saying "Sarah is 17 miles away!! Wanna have sex with her? She a hot milf!" And like I don't give 2 fuckas about it because "Sarah" looked like an old moldy white lady I saw at Kuhns the other day and her boobs were soggy af. So later on I made a porn account and put in my school email.
Later I decided to post ENA x Ronald McDonald porn because I was really bored. And I added the title "ENA X RONALD MCDONALD PORN UWU!!!! BERY HOT!!!!" And then I posted it! It was such a wonderful idea that I came up with! I just really hope my funky ass principal won't find out about it😵💫. I later went to in person school the next day, while I was in reading class, I searched up pornhub and posted a video of my reading teacher! And it went viral, people where asking for her phone number and nudes🙄‼️and that ENA x Ronald McDonald porn went viral too, with 1 million views. People in the comments said they were jerking off to it! And when I got home I posted amongus porn. I named it "SUSSY BAKA AMONGUS PORN AT 3AM!!!" That one got 500k views. My teacher never found out about the account uwu.
That's the end of the story my precious bakas!💕
The one time I made a porn account on my school email
Fanfiction(fake story but still uwu🤤)