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Carla's P.O.V.

Carla braces herself as she wakes up from feeling the cold gush of the wind that touches her skin. Urgh, where is my blanket and why is it so cold today huh?


Carla literally jumps as she hears the faint voice. She gets goose bumps when she sees her great grandmother. "Grand-mere..."

"Je suis désolé. Ai-je te fais peur? (I'm sorry. Did I scare you?)" Noemie asks in pure French.

Carla shakes her head while pressing her lips together. "Why did you show up grand-mere?"

"Je avais pour vous protéger l'écart de Claudette. (I had to protect you away from Claudette.) She planned to hurt you these past few days. I'm glad I was able to stop her every time she attempted. Please do always remember that I am here to protect you so don't get afraid hmm?"

"Thank you grand-mere. Is this why you name me Abrielle?"

Carla sees her great grandmother nodding. "Because it means protected or secured... I am here to do that Carla, and I intend to keep that."

Tears flow from Carla's eyes. After all, she is blessed with wonderful people that surrounded her. "Thank you so much grand-mere. I wish I can hug you to express how much I am thankful. I am sorry for being a troublesome granddaughter and now, instead of making you rest in peace, you are here to protect me. I'm really sorry for dragging you in this curse."

Carla sees Noemie touching her face, but she can only feel a cold sensation. "Tu n'as pas à t'excuser. (You don't have to apologise.) It's my fault why you are cursed, that is why it is only right to protect you. But I am glad that you are able to free yourself."

"? (Free?) But I did not do anything grand-mere." She shakes her head lightly while saying it.

Noemie looks at her with understanding. "Je vois. (I see.) It is true love that freed you from my sister's curse dear. It is Jonghyun's true love towards you. He chose you like how your grand-pere chose me."


"I understand that it confuses you a lot. In our time, you got the role of Claudette right? You become Claudette while your cousin becomes me. You suffered like her. Claudette always wanted my descendants to suffer like what she experienced from the past and so she decided to let you suffer the same thing as her especially in the name of love. Francois chose me instead of her. With this on mind, Claudette thought that Jonghyun would do the same thing. That he will choose Mi Cha over you. Claudette thought the story will repeat. Yes, it did a little maybe. But as you can see, fate will never allow letting darkness win over true love. When Jonghyun finally gave in to his heart's command, he freed you from the curse. His intense love towards you is the remedy of her curse. I am here to protect you Carla, but I can never be the solution to that curse. I'm glad that you found the remedy before Claudette can do harm again to you... But I'm warning you Carla, although Claudette's curse is already gone, she will still find ways to separate you and Jonghyun, and I also think she will use your cousin. That's why I am here to tell that to you. Don't let her win."

"Ottokhae? I'm—I'm afraid grand-mere. What if... What if..."

"Shh, don't be afraid okay? Just remember that there are lots of people who love and support you and I will always be here for you."

"But why grand-mere? Why is she not letting everything pass?"

"Because she can't accept that she failed again. She can't accept that the one who is weaker and experiencing unfortunate things in life can also have a wonderful love life."

Unrequited Love of 1870's Diary {SHINee Jonghyun}Where stories live. Discover now