We ended up going out to eat because I burned the food. We were arguing about where to go and we finally decided on Ihop. "We're here" my mom said. "Good cause im starving haha" We got out of the truck and started walking to the building. When we got in, whos the first person I see? Dawson.... "oh great" I mumble as I take my jacket off and tie it around my waist. My mom looks at me confused and I feel ny cheeks heating up as I give her the "its nothing" look. The waitress gives us a booth.... RIGHT BY HIM.. IS SHE TRYING TO KILL ME?! I try to act casual when he looks in my general direction... Ok phew he didn-- Then at that time he locks his eyes with mine. He smiles and says "well of it isnt Nikita!"
"haha yeah hi Shane!"
He walks over, asks "Can I sit with you two? haha" My mom says "sure!" He takes the spot
"UM ACTUALLY BEFORE YOU SIT I NEED TO USE THE BATGROOM HA..HA..HAA" I say probably a bit too loudly. "O-oh kay" He lets me up and I quickly run to the bathroom.