you ok?

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Third person pov 

After hiding in the cooler, they all gone out to go in the dino stop. But something distracted Katie a sound on the side of the place. Katie stopped and was trying to see something from where she was but didn't got hable to. 

Rick: katie are you coming ?  

Katie: yeah i just need to go see something real quick

 rick: ok but do fast  Katie: yeah I will no worries

Katie followed the sound and got beside the dino stop to see a girl trying to hide. katie stood there looking at the girl questioning who she where. The girl turned and saw a kind of tall maroon haired girl with big glasses standing there whit a questioning face. 

katie: hi i mean emmm who are you and are you ok? *holding her neck in a little embarassed way*    

???: *get up very fast* i-im yn and y-yeah im ok....   

katie: do you need help or food idk    

yn: an-and you who are you?    

katie: oh sorry i didn't intreduce myself im katie katie mitchell    

linda: *goes to the back of katie* katie are you ok what is taking you so long? 

katie: MOM omg you scared the shit out of me !! 

linda: ok ok I'm sorry but come inside your dad is begging me for putting some barricades on the windows and doors    

katie: ok....your coming yn  

yn: mhm  

They all got in and Katie's dad rick said to his family that they need their special screwdriver to start barricading. After they got finish katie came and tell her plan rick didn't wanted at all so she sneakily got to the window and headed to the roof of the dino stop.


Where did she go I mean she where there telling her plan. I will go see her mom to ask if she knows where she goes.

Yn: excuse me ma'am?  

Linda: yes? omg sorry who are you?   

Yn:  emmm yn sorry but do you know where Katie go?   

Linda: yeah she got out by the window

Yn: ok thank you  

linda:your welcome

I gone out and tried to find her I didn't.... until I heard her telling something, to see that she was just on the roof (how dumb I am) so I hop there to sit by her.

Yn: you ok...?  

Katie: my future...i-its gone...*she started crying a bit*  

yn: want me to change your mind? sorry its just I-I'm kinda bad at comforting 

Katie: *throw the kill code paper* ok I dont mind....*swiped her tears with her vest*  

yn: is there things you wanna know about me idk

Katie: I mean yes, like what's your age? 

Yn: I'm 17 and you  

Katie: I'm 18 what do you like to do?  

Yn: I draw sometimes but that's all I dont have a lot of cool things and you?  

Katie: shhshhh I heard something  

eric: mh? How does this person know about the kill code?  

Katie: *get closer and fall of the roof* ouchhh 

eric: a human   

yn: *get down and help Katie up* you ok?  

Katie: yeah yeah now worries but now DAD LET US INNN *she got up very fast8* (but i knew something was wrong she looked a bit in pain)

rick: sorry but there the ok let me a sec *get away the wood plank and got both of us in* ok go hide quick 

We all go hide and the two robots get in they look damaged so I dont think they will do something to us i mean i hope.

Eric: ok humans all of you get out and let me and my friend kidnap you  

katie: no sorry  

eric and Deborah: ok *with their screen turning green* 

eric: we do that on purpose look I am a human I will eat like all the humans do *take an orange and squeeze it on his screen* miam miam good mhm *they both rub their "stomach"  

 eric: ok ok I admit we are not humans we will be back with REAL humans  

linda: I dont think it's good  

rick: yeah me to  

Aaron: I mean they dont look like they will do something to us  

katie: yeah I mean they look damaged so maybe their not mean

Ok hiiii I hope if someone read that one day like this because idk I mean just tell me if you like it or if I do mistakes bye byeeee and thank you to read this still if it's yeah I've edited it omg im embarassed this was so bad but yeah hope its better and OMG thamks to all of you that had read that story i will probably be posting new chapters soon so yeah have a good day or night and drink water (its also for me i dont drink enough anywaysss ;)

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