Chapter 1

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Eda overhears an illuminating conversation between the snake twins Deniz and Selin. This is how Eda deals with snakes.

The young beauty slumped in her car would have given any passer-by cause to worry. But she was alone. Alone in her misery. Agony leaking out of every pore in her body. How long can someone be strong before they shatter? All the words Serkan stabbed her with went through her mind and heart, reverberating in her head. Eda leaned her head back, tears meandering down her cheek and down her chin. She broke. Her strength can only take her so far, and for the past few months, she's been on fumes.

She was just done. Physically, mentally, and emotionally depleted of any hope, optimism, and strength.

Eda rummaged through her bag, searching for her phone. In her frustration and dismay from the creeping deadline for the fake wedding with her fake fiance, she forgot her phone in his cafe.

Somehow, the thought of seeing her childhood friend no longer filled her with comfort and the innate surety that he had her back. There was something in Deniz's behaviour that gave her pause. He was touching her more freely, even when Serkan wasn't around. He was calling her pet names. It crawled her blood.

Like a slow awakening and with a bone deep exhaustion, she knew she wasn't doing it. She would not make March 20th an important day. Everything needs to be done, cancelled. No fake wedding. No getting ready for a big farce. She wanted it to be erased. Hala was right. This has gone on too long and too far.

You can't go through with this, girl. What are you thinking? Why are you torturing yourself? It's a week closer to this wedding and Serkan showed no signs of remembering, or falling in love with you again. Yes, there are moments of connection. Like an instant his soul reaches out to you, but his fear pulls it right back. I'm just so tired. Building up my armor, anticipating the next blow from Serkan. I can't do this anymore. I can't go through one more moment being fake engaged. Deniz is not really acting anymore, is he? I don't know what he's playing at, but I feel anxious and uncomfortable around him, as if my body rejects his proximity. It feels so wrong. Deniz is acting off.

"Can I really go through with a fake wedding? I can't do it. I won't do it." Eda whispered, the only ears; her beloved car. This ends now. Eda closed her eyes and clasped the magnolia ring turned necklace, holding tight to it, hoping it might give her strength. A talisman of hope. But her reserves were low. And the vessel had holes.

Sitting back in her car, hands gripping the steering wheel, she turned on the ignition, making her way back to the cafe. Approaching Deniz's cafe, she noticed Selin's car. Her breathing evened out and slowed down as thoughts were flitting in and out of her head. Questions asked and answered.

What is Selin doing in Deniz's cafe? I know they are working together, but this is a level of familiarity I'm not comfortable with. And why the hell didn't Deniz tell me he had a meeting with Selin? If there was nothing to hide, why the silence? Please, I can't take more.

Eda parked the car out of sight of the cafe's entrance. She changed her nude heels and replaced them with some old trainers. Keeping to the sides of the other businesses on the street, she blended into the background until she got close enough to bend down and listen to the conversation.

It took a minute for Eda to filter the other sounds out, but the conversation chilled her to the bone.

"Serkan, even without his memories, is always around Eda. We need to keep them apart. Deniz, you need to know where Eda is at all times," Selin said. Eda closed her eyes in pain, once realization set in. Deniz and Selin were partners. Deniz lied. Deni tricked, and Deniz deceived

"You keep your eyes on Serkan. Eda will be mine. Our wedding is in a week. I still have a few arrangements to make," answered Deniz. They were drinking tea, Eda realised.

"What arrangements?"

"Just the fake officiant."

"Deniz, you love Eda. Make it a real officiant and you get to keep her. I checked and she won't be able to divorce you for a year. Play your cards right and she will fall in love with you." Selin's voice turned hypnotic, trying to sway Deniz to her plan, making it seem justifiable.

I knew Selin was a nutter, but she is really plunging into new depths of low.

"Yes, you are right. She will see how much I love her. Serkan doesn't have his memories back.So this is my chance," Deniz said.

"It's a week till your wedding, Deniz. We need to be vigilant. Serkan keeps finding his way to Eda. I will keep him occupied. You must know where Eda is at all times. We are too close to lose now." Selin's voice pierced through the fog in Eda's head.

Eda heard her own breathing rasping in and out. Can you hear your own heart stutter and break? Eyes squeezed shut, shutting out the sounds of the busy street, only standing upright for the wall behind her. A gentle breeze caressed her face, drying the tears quietly dripping down her skin. The pain of an unexpected knife in your back is always more when you thought the person was your shield.

I expect Selin to be a snake. Never in a million years would I believe Deniz capable of this. Deniz loves me, as if he's in love with me. Yet he sees no problem with tricking me in a marriage. How was that gonna work out? Oops, guess what? We are really married, wanna give it a go? His punishment is coming. Nobody messes with Eda Yildaz.

Deniz plans to trick me into marriage. Fists clenched. Dents in palm.

Deniz is working with Selin to keep me away from Serkan. Teeth gnashing.

Everything went out of focus. Sounds of the busy streets didn't register in Eda's mind. Too busy breathing and breaking. The world shifted back in focus, but with a wash of red over Eda's eyes. Sakin Ol Eda. They won't get away with this.

A few minutes later, heels clacking on the pavement made her aware of Selin. Eda stepped out of sight. She watched Selin through narrowed eyes and gritted teeth.

"Serkan, where are you?....just finished up something.....I am on my way to the office now." Selin said as she got in her car and drove off.

Selin will be in the office in about 30 mins, give or take traffic. She might walk around a bit, check in with Pyril and then her office. I need to have it ready in an hour.

Armed with purpose and a plan, Eda went back to her car. Changed her trainers back to her heels, and powered up her laptop.

Date: 12th March 2020



Draft this press release for immediate media distribution.

Eda Yildiz and Deniz Sarachan have ended their short-lived engagement. They are both committed to remain friends.

Prior to release, I request final approval.

If you have questions please contact me.


Eda Yildiz, partner

Eda smirked as she did Blind Copied everyone else.

To catch a snake, one needs to be a charmer. 

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