the beginning

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Kenma' s pov

I had Hinata pinned down to the wall. Damn Hinata's lips are softer than bread. Wow he is so hot right now but at the same time he is so cute. He makes my heart race every time we make out.


Hinata moaned inside my mouth while I touched his thighs. I continued exploring his mouth. My hands went under his shirt, and i slowly pulled off his shirt and started pulling his pants down. He pulls my shirt too, but we still keep our lips locked. My cheeks get really warm and so do my ears. Am i ready? Maybe I'm too young..? Is Hinata ready?

"Hinata..?" "Yes Kenken??" "Are you ready for it. We don't have t-"

We locked lips again. I felt like I was floating. I feel this way whenever we kiss, but this time it was different. We were both shirtless and he was just in his boxers. We stopped kissing for a moment and made direct eye contact. His eyes are so beautiful. Like honey. Although he was quite different right now to his usual self. He is always so energetic but right now he is just silent and flustered.

We made eye contact for a about one minute. I was the one to break eye contact by looking down at his lightsaber. It was rising. My eyes widened.

I am not a bottom whatsoever, but we had taken this to the floor. 'Its so intense', I thought. Hinata had ME pinned to the floor now. He pulled my pants and boxers down slowly, until we were both naked. The tension was high and there was only silence. I rolled over and now Hinata was bottom.

"Get off me slut." Said Hinata. "W-what.." My eyes got teary. "Get off me. I don't love you and we have only seen each other a few times." "O-o-oh. Uhm its fine i guess.." "Hahah youre so dumb Kenma. Why would I ever want to do it with YOU!!?"

My head hurts.. was I asleep??! My eyes widen. Wow it all felt real. I layed in bed for about 5 minutes.

"Honey wake up it's time for school and you're gonna be late!!" I looked at the time and it was 7:29. 'Oh shit class starts in 15 minutes I'm going to be late', I thought. I quickly brushed my teeth, did my hair and put on new clothes. I couldn't stop thinking about Hinata. 'Is he a player? Does he love me or is it all a game..?'

I arrived at school, and Hinata saw me in the hallway.

"HEY KENMA!!" Hinata yelled.

I lowered my head and walked away quickly ignoring his question. He stood there in shock. 'Hopefully I didn't hurt his feelings. Hah what feelings!? He doesn't even care about me so it doesn't matter hahah.' Once I walked into my homeroom class, Kuroo ran up to me and said "Hey shortie." "Hey.." 'I looked kinda sad and my voice sounded deeper and more tired than usual. "Are you okay? You sound kinda down?" 'Ugh he noticed..' "Yeah I'm fine!" "You can tell me what's wrong.." "Nothing." The teacher started class, and I fell asleep. 'I really need to start paying attention to my classes'

It's now lunch time. Hinata sat right next to me. "Hey Kenma!! I saw that you ignored me this morning. Is there a reason why??" "No."

I walked away with my lunch tray. 'Maybe I'm a bad person. Hah no wonder I dreamt about him playing me. Maybe I should be nicer. I mean, he didn't actually do that.'

Hinata ignored me for the rest of the day. Someone is knocking on my door. 'I wonder who it is.'

I opened the door to see who it was. "Oh its just you hinata." Hinata walks in and heads straight to my room. I followed him to my room. "Wow you're room is so clean!" "Yea.." He pins me to the wall. "What's wrong?! You have been ignoring me for the whole day." Hinata says in a firm tone. I stay silent. "SPIT IT OUT!!" I kiss him so he stops talking. He kisses me back and this soon turns into a make out session.

"KENMA!!" Oh shit I was daydreaming. He grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him a little too hard. He almost fell but I caught him. "Be careful.." "My heart hurts so much. I am feelings a new type of pain. Honestly I am such a disappointment. And I'm always sad and i always look emotionless. I hid my feelings so well sometimes but I can't do this anymore. I have thought about suicide a lot and I'm starting to think that I should do it. My dad left me when I was 8 and never called again after my birthday. My mom is homophobic and she talks trash the lgbt+ community. I lost my dog when I was 7. Everyone plays me. The only time I feel pain is when I'm alone. And I'm trying so hard to not get attached because everyone leaves. EVERYONE I CARE ABOUT LEAVES!!!" Hinata quietly listened. "I just want to die. No one will notice and those who notice won't care. I'm irrelevant." My voice starts breaking. "I cried so much because I am someone who I can't be. I'm so lost. No one understands what goes through my mind. "Hinata hugs me. I burst into tears. "Why didn't you say anything before?" "B-Because I'm scared.." "Of what??" "My t-t-thoughts.." "What's wrong with them?" "My thoughts kill me internally. I tend to over think everything, but I haven't told anyone this. Everyone thinks that I'm fine but in reality I'm dying. I want to end it all. I've been cutting. And I want to change! I want to live and be the happiest i will ever be!!" "Then do that!! We both know how amazing and talented you are. You are one of my best friends and I only wish for your happiness. You deserve it all, and you ARE going to live life to the fullest. You are going to look at your past self and think, 'wow i should have done that but I was too busy being sad and shutting my emotions out.' If something is ever bothering you just tell me. I will always be here for you no matter what and I will always try to comprehend every word that you are saying."

"Thank you Hinata. But there is also something that is bothering me. So last night I had a dream where you were about to stick your lightsaber inside me and we were making out and we were also both naked. But then you called me a slut and said you didn't love me. So i was sacred that would actually happen. Not us having sex, but you hurting my feelings with harsh words." "Ooooouuuu so you're not scared to have sex with me?" Hinata gave me a lustful look. He bit his lip a little.

The room went completely silent, and we didn't break eye contact at all. The tension was high and there was a deep connection between us that no one could possibly break. "I love your eyes Hinata. They look so deep and they look like honey." My blinks got slower. Hinata got more attractive by the second. "You have such pretty kissable lips." He started blushing a lot. "I love your personality too. Its so fun and enjoyable. I also love your hair. It glows brighter than the sun. I love how you're body moves. The way you dance and the way you move your hips just turns me on. I want to be the one to hold you in my arms. I want to be able to tell everyone that you are mine And mine only. You have crossed my mind so much lately. Ever since the first day we met on the street you have been in my mind. I love whenever you hug me. You're so warm and i seek comfort in you. It's fine if you don't feel the same way but I just needed to get that out."

Hinata was as red as a strawberry. I blushed too. It's okay if he doesn't respond right away. I'll give him time to think about it.

"Hey, it's a bit late. I think I should get going, okay?"

"Yeah stay safe see you tomorrow at school!" I said

Hey so this is my first time writing a wattpad story and writing smut. I hope all of you enjoy it. Please leave ideas in the comments I'll make sure to use most of them :))

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2021 ⏰

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