Lady Alcina Dimitrescu

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Courtney sat down at the desk of the room. She sat there completely baffled, the way the Lady, Alcina acted moments ago.

Never had Courtney been so mesmerized by anyone, the small smile that Lady Dimitrescu made an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She was purely confused. Unsure of what to do next.

Courtney sighed as she stood up and looked at the bed, no way in hell would she be able to escape. Was this her doom?

She stripped of her jacket and boots. She lay down in the bed and blew out the candle.

Staring at the ceiling she couldn't get Alcina's face out of her head.

Courtney didn't know when but sleep ended up finding her in the end.

The next morning Courtney woke up to the sound of slight knocking against the door.

She sat up in utter confusion of where she was until the memories came flooding back.

"Yes?" She answered just getting up from the surprisingly comfortable bed.

The door opened and the Lady entered the room. She towered of Courtney, "Ah you just got up I see,"

"Mm.. Yes," Courtney admitted.

"Alright then, the servants will come and fix your room," She emphasized the word your.

"The bathing room is right over there, and I'll be sure to get you some different clothes too," Alcina explained and pointed to the door.

"Once you're ready, Courtney, please come down to join me for some tea. I have also told my daughters to leave you alone,"

Courtney nodded as Lady Dimitrescu gave her another mesmerizing smile and left.

She shook her head and entered the bathing room and started filling up the tub with warm water.

She watched the tub fill up as worries of everyone in the village came back. Will they be ok? What about Mother? What about that father and daughter? What about the older lady that spoke of the visions?

Courtney turned off the water and poured in some soap that had the label "waterlily"

She stripped of her clothes and slipped into the warm bath, it soothed some of the things that made her anxious, mostly.

Courtney poured some shampoo in her hand and began washing it.

Courtney got out of the bath and dried off with a towel. She put on her old clothes which only now she realized reeked of blood.

Once she left the bathing room she found the room perfect, her cost was hung in a chair and her ring and boots were right next to it.

She slipped in her accessories and left to join Lady Dimitrescu.

Once she exited she saw five maids, she must have gained them back after yesterday's incident.

Courtney walked down the stairs until she found Alcina in the main room sipping, what Courtney hoped, tea.

"Ah there you are Courtney, please take a seat over there," Alcina gestured to a chair right across from her.

Courtney silently obeyed and sat down, "Now.. today I have some explaining to do,"

'You better," Courtney told herself in her head.

"I was indeed pretty fast with explaining the half immortal thing. Anyways as I said there has only been fourteen recorded... well fifteen counting you.
People like you are so powerful and rare that I can't risk those pesky Lycans getting you. And I-,"

"So you just want to keep me as a prize?" Courtney said sharply.

Alcina winced, slightly, "No No! I just felt like it was right! Life here is much better than it out in the village isn't it?"

"Well yes, yes it is but you took me away from my family?" Courtney was getting angry at the Lady.

"Well I don't intend for it to-" Alcina was cut off by Cassandra coming.

"Mother, the Lycans have gotten the last of the survivors. All the others from the other parts of the village came here since there was still fresh prey and the got together and attacked," Cassandra explained.

Courtney's eyes widened.. they were dead. Tears started blurring her vision as she saw Cassandra vanish.

She cupped herself hands over her mother and began sobbing uncontrollably, someone grabbed her and started comforting her.

"Shh it's going to be alright," The person soothed, Alcina, of course.

Courtney leaned into Lady Dimitrescu's comforting touch as all the faces of the survivors came to her. All those people she failed because she was a damned idiot.

Her mother. Her own mother was now dead because of her.

"Please don't blame yourself for this Courtney," Alcina muttered as she rubbed circled in her back.

Courtney's weeping in Alcina's shoulder died down a bit, "H-How can I not blame m-myself... I left.. I could've" Courtney stuttered.

"The only difference that would be made, is you also being the same as everyone else. There was nothing you could've done against over a hundred Lycans," Alcina said as she still took Courtney's sobbing.

She looked up from Alcina's shoulder and looked at her with red eye, "I- I suppose your right," She sighed as she looked at the ground.

"Here," The Lady gave Courtney a cup of tea and wrapped her arm around her, "I'm very sorry about what happened, I truly am but there was nothing you could've done, anything I've could've done,"

Courtney let out a shaky breath and took a sip of tea, "Thank you Lad-,"

"Call me Alcina, please,"

"Thank you Alcina,"

Vampire and "Mortal"- Lady Dimitrescu X Female OCWhere stories live. Discover now