E.C. Harpies 1, mankind's first step to destruction.

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Harpies, mankind's first human mutation experiment.

mankinds goal for this is to reach their maximum capabilities. and what better way to mutate mankind?


yes man kinds first step of advancement for their research is to give their species wings. no detailed explenation was given as to why their first experimentation to themselves was to add wings on their bodies. it was quite stupid and weird, but they still went with it.

mankind made abundant amount of reckless experiments on their own species. For example, they mixed D.N.A.'s of flying creatures to humans, which ended up  just making weird creatures that couldnt even live in their disfigured situation. other experiments tried to attach other creatures with large wings by operation. Results of this operation was a waste.

only 1 did work. it was through mutation and 1 man was able to do it he was able to make mankind grow wings! but not only that, he also gave them more strength than the average humans. but time has already erased his name in history. no one knew on how he has accomplished it. it's secrets were heavily guarded by their rulers.

The mans accomplishements was celebrated throughout the world, he was given, fame, fortune, medals, everything. his research was bought by every country, and creations of this new species of mankind is made everyday.

you would see  children with wings on the playground or in school, you could say having wings is the new trend on that era.

but not everyone was happy to the changes. as mankind's habbit, there will always be opposers. and not only that, the new species is still human, they are not excluded to sin. if mankind was given a deadly weapon, they find more ways to make it more deadly. and what better weapon to give them? 

a scapegoat was needed for this predicament, and who would be the best scapegoat to use but the man who made it all. It wasn't father's fault that this happened. he just gave mankind a gift that they can use whatever way they like.  but what did they do to him? they bit off his entire arm. all the finger was pointed at him. he was judged and killed. which was a big mistake, because his only daughter was the first and strongest of the new species.

 after his fathers death, the first RACE WAR was born. the celestians against the humans.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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