Neva Whitney

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  • Dedicated to Kam, Kilo, Crit Partner, 'Neglected Book Club' member or whatever you want to ca

Once upon a time in a land not so far away lived the King and Queen of fashion, the Quinn's. Their fashion house in New York City was known and coveted worldwide, and the Quinn's themselves beloved by all. They were immensely successful in their professional and personal lives, but all the money in the world couldn't hide their yearning, as if something was missing from their lives. 

One night while helping one of her designers dress a mannequin in the latest Christmas gown, the Queen found herself holding a large swatch against her stomach. It ballooned out, making it look as if she was with child. Catching her reflection in a window the Queen beamed, realizing what she was missing. A child of her own. 

Looking at the mannequin, dressed in its deep red gown, its pale white surface a stark contrast to the dark night sky beyond the window, the Queen knew that was what she wished for. 

"A baby girl," she dreamed happily, "one who I can dress in the finest clothes the world has to offer. With ebony hair as dark as the night and skin like a porcelain doll, she'll have rosy cheeks and blood red lips, a beauty like no other..." 

"She sounds perfect," the designer mused, echoing the Queen's happiness. For that was not hard, as the Queen herself was so easily loved that all other's around her welcomed the chance to share in her joy. 

"She will be," the Queen smiled and looked down to her stomach, rubbing it affectionately, "my Neva Whitney." 

Not too long after the King and Queen were blessed with the news that they were well and truly pregnant. But their bliss was overshadowed with pain as the Queen was quickly ordered on bed rest. The pregnancy was hard for the Queen, and time and again the doctors told her she should abort. That having the child could very well cost the Queen her life. But she refused, even as dad the King begged her too, telling her they could try again. Because to the Queen it was destiny, and she believed wholeheartedly that if she was to pass it was for a reason. That she fell pregnant for a reason, to bring this child into the world. She ordered everyone, King and court, to sign a contract stating that, no matter what happened, it was the child's life that came first. Not hers. 

And so the world prayed for their beloved Queen, and the King, he stayed by her side through it all, hoping beyond hope for a fairy tale ending. 

But the world is not a kind place, and fairy tales are just myth, not truth. And as the King welcomed his first child to the world, Neva Whitney, he mourned his wife's death. 

Years passed, and though the King treasured his daughter, spending as much time with her as his kingdom allowed, telling her stories night after night of her mother, the Queen, and how much he loved the both of him. There was still a loneliness in his heart and eventually he remarried. Neva was not angry with her father, she knew he deserved a companion to spend his life with, and though she too loved her father dearly, she wanted for a mother. 

The King's new wife was as lovely as his last, truly the most beautiful woman in the world, but young and conceited. A model from his runways, the King thought that she above anyone else would make a good mother for Neva because she would understand and be able to prepare Neva for the way the world treated a beauty like her. The Stepmother was more than kind to Neva, encouraging Neva in all her pursuits, both academic and not. She was there for every basketball game, every school play, even there for Neva when her childhood sweetheart moved away. An event that forever solidified in Neva's heart that there were no happy endings. And though she knew she could never truly love her Stepmother, Neva had come to respect her, most especially after the King's unexpected death. 

Neva was ready to run away from it all, her father's kingdom and everything she was heir to. It was all too much of a painful reminder for Neva. But her Stepmother convinced her to stay with the company kingdom even if she wasn't ready to take hold of the reigns. So Neva took her place behind a designer's desk, the same desk the King had found his Queen at so many years ago, leaving the Stepmother to take control of the kingdom. It felt right, and all seemed well... 

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