Luke Brooks imagine

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Even thought my best friend Luke lived in Australia we still always talked. He was over visiting me but I still had to go to school so most days he would go to the gym while I was at school. We aren't allowed our phones out in school but Luke would always text me even though he know the rules, most of the time I would reply but in some classes I couldn't, some teachers have hawk eyes. I was in media studies when the teacher told us she was giving us a project for 2 weeks away. We had 3 options, we could make a video on our family, our life or our best friend. I hadn't decided what I was going to do yet, I'd think about it later.

Luke came to my school and walked home with me, I could see some of the popular girls eye him up, I hated everyone of them! Nearly all the girls think they are perfect and can have any guy they want, they treat basically everyone horribly. I saw Luke look at them before turning back to me and he gave me a hug. We walked home and then got in and sat on the couch. I had to decide for tomorrow what I was going to make my movie about, I was going to do a mix of my best friend and my life.

"Hey Luke."

"Yeh (Y/N)?"

"Can I take some pictures and videos of you? For my media studies project."

"Sure, go ahead."

We spent most of the night taking stupid wee videos and lots of pictures.

I went into school the next day and told my teacher what I was doing, she said that sounded good but instead of having 2 weeks we were now only getting a week as school was finishing soon and we wouldn't be doing anything for the week after that. It was my last year at school so I couldn't wait to leave, get away from all the popular girls who I hate. I'm not like most girls in my year, I do my work and get on better with the guys, all the girls ever talk about to cute boys and makeup and clothes. I don't mind talking about that but they never change the subject and they all bitch about everyone even if they are friends. I'd much rather hang with the guys than be branded as the bitch of the year, they all wear extremely short skirts as well. I seriously hope none of them try and do anything with Luke, one I'd hate it because she would break his heart and two I'd be jealous. I like Luke a lot.

*a week later*

It was time for my presentation and I was really nervous. I stood up with my video ready and said my wee part at the start, "I decided I was going to do my project on my life and my best friend, my best friend is Luke and he is one of the nicest guys ever so here is the first half on my presentation which is about my life." I played the first half of the video and them stopped it. "Now for the second half, my best mate." The video played and at the start it was pictures of me and Luke acting stupid and then some pictures of him posing like an idiot, after that it was some wee videos of us. "I hope you's enjoyed that." I quickly went back to my seat.

I got home and told Luke how my teacher loved my presentation but he didn't look too happy.

"What's wrong Luke?"

"Nothing, I just found out that my mum told me the wrong time for going home and I need to leave earlier than expected."

"How soon?"

"5 days."

I could tell he was disappointed and I just stood there disappointed as well.

"I'll come back over or you can come and visit me once you've finished school?"

"I would love to Luke but it depends if I've got enough money and stuff."

"Yeh I know (Y/N) but we'll see each other again soon, promise."

"Good, you know I'll miss you."

"Of course I do (Y/N) and I'll miss you too."

We sat and watched movies for the rest of the night.

*5 days later and it was the day Luke was leaving."

I woke up upset because I knew today was the day Luke was leaving. He said he would see me soon but I couldn't be sure. I wanted to tell Luke I loved him but not today, I couldn't. I went downstairs and he smiled at me, I could tell he was trying to make the best of the situation.

"You coming to the airport?"

"Of course I am Luke."

"Well if you're getting changed you'll need to go now, I need to be there in 30 minutes."


We sat in silence the whole way to the airport, I had passed my driving test a month or two ago so I was driving him up. I went up in my jammie bottoms and one of Luke's hoodies, I didn't bother putting makeup on because I knew I would cry. We got there in 15 minutes but it felt like hours. He done everything he needed to now all that was left was the goodbye. I had already started crying.

"Hey don't cry, I promised to see you soon."

"I know but seriously Luke you can't be sure it will be soon, can you?"

"No but I know that I'll try."

"I know you will."

He gave me one last hug before he walked away to wait for his plane. I walked away with the tears streaming from my eyes. I turned around but couldn't see Luke anymore and didn't know how long it would be before I saw him again. I couldn't drive home like this, I knew there was a bench outside I could sit on until I was capable to drive. I was just about to leave the doors of the airport when I heard someone shout on me.


I turned around to find Luke face to face with me."

"What are you doing?"

"I needed to tell you I love you! I couldn't get on that plane without knowing how you felt about me."

"Luke you'll miss your flight."

"I couldn't care, I just need to know if you love me too?"

"Yes Luke I do, I always have but seriously you need to go."

"I'm going to miss you so much, I promise to see you soon."

"Okay but Luke you need to go."

He started to run away, "bye (Y/N) love you!"

"I love you too Luke!"

I didn't want him to miss his flight and I also didn't want him to see me when I was in such a state. I felt better knowing how we felt about me.

It was about 3 months since I last saw Luke and I was going out for a meal one day with my friends. We were having a laugh when I felt someone put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?" Said the guy as he whispered in my ear, I knew exactly who it was.

"No way! Luke what are you doing here?" I said and leaped up to hug him.

"I told you I'd see you soon and I needed to see your face in person, I missed you a lot."

"I missed you to Luke!"

We hugged me and when we pulled away we started in each others eyes. It felt as if everything around us had stopped, like we were the only two people in the world, the only ones who mattered. Then suddenly he leaned in and kissed me, it was the perfect kiss with the one guy I ever properly loved, it felt truly magical.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2013 ⏰

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