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I stood in the middle of the school gym wearing my school uniform. I was waiting for my friends so we could go back to class but they were taking their precious time.

I happen to look behind me and saw a tall boy looking at me. I'd never seen him here before but his face was priceless.

I blushed as his eyes widened and he stood there staring at me like I was the only female he'd ever seen. I turned my head as my friends walked up to me and smiled. I'd keep it to myself for now.

We made our way back to class and the boy was quickly forgotten. But I saw him at lunch time and decided to ask my classmates who he was.

"Who's the new guy?" It was a small school and we didn't get new kids alot, so everyone knew who I was talking about.

"That's my brother, Matthew. He's a junior." Said David , a blonde haired boy my age. "Cool. Why'd he decide to come here in the middle of the year?" "Well..uh..lets just say he had some problems at his other school." Since I didn't know David very well, I didn't press the issue.

As I poked at my Mac n cheese, I looked over and saw Matthew looking t me again. Our eyes met and he blushed and quickly looked away. But his eyes wondered back over to me several times before the bell rang.

The rest of school passed quickly, nothing interesting happened. That night, as I was brushing my hair, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. David's brother Matthew thought I was pretty, that much was obvious. I didn't know what he saw. Pale skin, jet black hair, blue eyes, tiny freckles that covered my nose, though I was skinny my five foot two height made me look alot smaller. I wore glasses and I hated my smile because of the stupid braces I wore. And not to mention, the only curves I had were my hips; my chest was pretty small. I wasn't anything special. Just plain me.

I sighed as I crawled into bed. My friends always told me I was beautiful but I never pictured myself as beautiful. I didn't think I was ugly but I didn't think I was very attractive either.

My thoughts wandered to Matthew. He was at least six feet tall, wasn't very broad, in fact, he was pretty thin. His head was shaved and his hair looked brown to me. Since I only saw him from a distance, I couldn't tell if his face was very attractive or not.

David said he was a junior, which would make him two years older than me...yeah. I'm a freshman, but I'm more mature than your average fifteen year old girl.

It didn't matter to me if Matthew ended up liking me or not. He might just think I was pretty and even if he ended up to be an amazing guy...I wasn't going to get myself into another relationship.

Lets go to the summer before. I was fourteen and I had my first summer love. He was kinda a dork and a nerd who tried to play the bad boy. But, he was really a big softie. He was the first boy to really take any notice to me. He was very sweet, made me cards, sent me flowers, bought me gifts, told me I was beautiful. It was a perfect, little crush.

Though we never dated, we were alot more than friends. Shortly after school started, I found out he had been talking to this other girl..not just any girl. My best friend's little sister. Two years younger than me and Tyler but she acted more mature than that. Jealousy took over, Tyler and I fought, I got hurt and the next day, they were dating and I was nothing to him anymore. Jerk. Everything he said felt like lies and I was determined not to get myself into another relationship.

It didn't take me long to get over Tyler, three months maybe and he never entered my head. I heard he missed me, tryin' to get me back. I laughed as I rolled over in bed. Never. I was happy without a guy.

The next day, I was a little jittery as I got read for school. I kept redoing my long hair and fixing my makeup. I sighed and rolled my eyes at myself as my mom drove me to school.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2013 ⏰

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