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**Yes this story was heavily inspired by Mint MYG by GentleKissu

Kia frowned as she stared at the blank word document, scrummaging her brain for ideas. As soon as she would think of something, write it down, she would change her mind and erase it. She started pacing around in her small apartment, as she tied her hair up, slowly getting fed up with the writer's block, as she felt her phone vibrate from where it was in her pocket.


"Hey! Kia! Where are you? I have been calling you for the past hour! I was almost coming over to your place!" Kia put the phone at a distance from her ears, slightly grimacing at her best friend Anna's loud voice. "Nothing Anna, just trying to complete this story I've been writing, but my brain doesn't somehow want to co-operate."

"Oh god! You scared me! Don't do that again! Now about your story, how long have you been working on it?"

"Um- Like about 3 hours?" The author sheepishly said as she felt the motherly-scold seeping into her best friend's voice.

"3 hours? You should probably take a break. Now, close your laptop and go outside for a walk. It helps me sometimes and remember to dress in warm clothes!"

"Yes mom." Kia teased Anna and ended the call, as a sigh escaped her lips. "She's right, I do need break." She said to herself and got her scarf, coat, and some writing materials as she got up and locked the door, as she stepped out to the cold wind made her grab onto her purse and phone harder. With her mind occupied with something else, she entered the elevator, but even the ride down to the ground floor, she couldn't take her mind off her pending story. The new author, who had managed to get a publisher to be interested in her stories after , was now dreading the deadline, shook off all the thoughts eating her up, and finally started paying attention to her surroundings, the warm, inviting smells from the near-by coffee shop, the smell of old books as someone exited the bookstore with a stack of books, as she walked to her favourite place near her home, the river side. 

As she approached the river side, she saw a few people walking their pets, and a small smile made its way to her face. She slowly made her way to her favourite spot, under the shady big tree next to the river, where she sat enjoying the young children play with each other while she heard their giggles, which was sort of like music to her ears. She saw how they found joy in the smallest of things, the wooden stick would sometimes be a sword they would duel their enemies with, sometimes a magic wand transporting them to Hogwarts. The way the slightest change in things would fascinate them, was inspiring to her.

She immediately got an idea, and rushed back to her apartment, nothing in her mind at the time. Kia got in and rushed to open her laptop and started typing on a Word document.                                                                                 "Mint"

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