Naruto's Life With The Gas

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Naruto's POV

I was glad that I don't get to be chased by villagers anymore but I'm sad since I can't visit my friends I was wearing a gas mask to prevent the gas coming in my lungs into my brain I wanted to some snacks and important things for project 101 this was my siblings and I's 101th try so when I got all the stuff I need I parkoured around the high buildings and I got back to my fake home I had a secret room under my fake home I was always prepared since I was scared if maybe a zombie attack or a raid or something will happen so I made a secret room

I went to my bed and laid down to rest for a bit after my resting hours I went inside my secret room it was filled with crates, boxes, and barrels and there was a comfy bed a stove a fridge a restroom aka the bathroom a TV and a computer me and my blood siblings talk social media now so we can still see each other I also had a bookshelf filled with different kinds of books, scrolls, notes, and notebooks my friends also made secret rooms only my blood siblings and I know it

I sat on my gaming chair aka computer chair I opened up my computer and called my friends they responded "Hey guys!" Kiba exclaimed "Hi everyone" Hinata said "Man I wish this shitty gas goes away" I said to them "LANGUAGE" Sakura shouted "Okay okay geez" I said back while rubbing my ear I went to a barrel and took out some chips I also ate some chips and I went to the fridge and took some Soda I went back to my computer and placed my food on my near by table and not on my desk I talked to my non-blood siblings for awhile "I hope this cure works" Sakura said "Me too" I said to her back and the others agreed "And remember guys you won't get infected because we have the kyuubi well some of my blood in your blood so don't go shouting our secrets to your parents only Iruka knows this well he is our father in figure" I said to them and some nodded back and some laughed of how dumb the villagers are we then left the chat and I closed my computer

I went to bed and slept for the night I hoped the cure works

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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