Day 7. Afternoon

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When Jaime woke up that day, she, SangHyun, and Dara were all in her little pull out bed together. Checking her phone she saw that it was 1.p.m and SeungHo had tweeted:

Where is everyone? Still asleep? Get up already! It's time to have fun! MBLEAST Surfing lessons at 3 :) 

Mbleast?? What was Yang Leader up to? Jaime frowned and took a deep breath. 

"Ya SangHyunAh... Wake up." She said rubbing his shoulder. His eyes were red and puffy and opened with difficulty. He rubbed at them gently as he grumbled a bit. 

"Is it time to go home yet?" He asked attempting humor weakly. 

"Nope. It's time to eat so we'll be ok during our surfing lessons." Jaime said. 

"We're going surfing?" Dara asked poking her head up. Neither of them knew how long she'd been feigning sleep.

"Nae." Jaime smiled. 

"Awesome! I need to call JaeJoongAh!" She said happily then darted from the bed to get ready. 

By the time they got ready, ate, picked up their surfing gear, and made it down to the beach it was 3:20 and ever one was out with their boards and gear. SangHyun gulped when he saw DuJun who was playfully helping YoSeop as he learned to stand on his board. 

"Don't worry. I have a good feeling about this." Jaime smiled holding his hand. He pinched his mouth into a smile that didn't reach his eyes. They walked down to meet everyone and a trainer walked over to them. 

"Hey guys! Sorry but this is a private session." the trainer said.

"We're with them." Dara said and the trainer made a face.

"Ya SangHyunAh! Partner up with me!" DuJun called waving an arm and earning an open mouthed look of betrayal from YoSeop. Dara glared and set her mouth in an "I don't think so" sort of look.

"JaimeAh! Join us!" Mireu called standing by the rest of MBLAQ. The trainer didn't stop them as the continued down to the beach. SangHyun went over to DuJun with Dara and JaeJoong on his tail, while Jaime joined MBLAQ. 

"I'll see you guys in the water!" Lee Joon said running off to go partner up with YoSeop who was looking like a puppy that had been thrown outside. Jaime tried her hardest not to stare at SeungHo in his wet suit as the trainer explained to her what was going on.

"Yeah Yeah Yeah we already heard all this. Don't worry. I'll show her! Go help them." Mireu said waving off the trainer and making Jaime laugh. "Ok Noona this is how it goes." He said laying belly down on his board and putting his hands on the board by his chest. "When you get out to sea you've got to push yourself up off the board like this." He said  pushing his body up like he was doing a push up and quickly putting his feet where his chest just was. "Got it?" he asked. She nodded. "Ok good. Your turn. You have to do it over and over just like we did. Ya!" he snapped at SeungHo and G.O "Stop watching! You're going to make her nervous. Practice paddling!" he ordered in his bassy voice with a very serious look on his face that faltered when SeungHo put on one of his own for being bossed around. 

"We do need to practice paddling." G.O said with a chuckle pushing SeungHo out of his intense gaze. SeungHo winked at Jaime then dropped down to practice with ByuneHae.

"Jaime fighting!" Mireu cheered as she dropped down to practice.

A few feet away DuJun was also demonstrating how to stand up on the board for SangHyun.

"Do it with me this time." DuJun said and SangHyun nodded and dropped down for the fourth time. They did it at the same time and DuJun laughed as he clapped a hand on SangHyun's shoulder. After about an hour of practicing this and that the trainers started taking pairs out a little ways into the water so they could practice paddling, sitting and standing. DuJun was standing next to SangHyun who was sitting on his board waiting for a small wave to practice on.

"So... about last night." DuJun started and SangHyun looked down. "I was being a jerk. More than a jerk. I was being an asshole. I guess a part of me went into slight shock that you came out to me like that. The other part was... being here... I guess I sort of thought of it as a fling..." DuJun admitted. SangHyun looked at him with a pain in his eyes that made DuJun feel even more guilty.

"Truthfully SangHyunAh, for a minute I didn't see you as yourself. I saw you as just some guy. I honestly thought that's what you wanted when you took my hand like that. It made me realize how much I don't know about you.  Then when we started taking things further and further I thought you did this sort of thing all the time. It made me a little jealous. Spiteful even. I thought, well who else does he do this with? ChangSun? His girlfriend? Fans or even other idols that are close to you? I had a million thoughts running through my head. Again, I felt like I didn't know you." DuJun said. 

"Then get to know me. Ask questions learn about what's going on in my life. Ask who I admire, who I like and how long have I liked them. If you would have asked those questions you would have known that I like you Hyung. I've always liked you but I thought you were straight. Finding out that you liked boys last night- I didn't know what to do. I got excited I felt like that was my chance that I had to make a move that I had to show you how I feel or else my chance would be gone." SangHyun said with tears in his eyes. DuJun made to grab him and kiss him but SangHyun hadn't been ready for it. He gasped in surprise as he was grabbed by his shoulders, then he yelped as a wave pushed him and his board forward forcefully. The board went out from under SangHyun and tugged him forward by the strap on his leg. He was ripped from DuJun's grip and pulled under. Luckily the water was only chest high and drug SangHyun to even more shallow water. He stood up with a gasp and heard as Jaime, Dara, DuJun, and his other friends all made it to them. 

"Oppa! Are you ok?!" Jaime called running against the water with Dara.

"SangHyunAh what happened?" Dara asked getting to him first and throwing a glare at DuJun. 

"I wasn't paying attention and I got swept away." SangHyun said with a smile. "I'm ok I was just being dumb! I'm ok." He called waving to all his friends then smiled widely at Jaime as DuJun held him and checked him for any marks.

"SangHyunAh..." DuJun said trying to make him stop squirming and waving so he could look him over properly.

"DuJunnieHyung..." SangHyun turned to DuJun and kissed him. Everyone broke out in cat calls and whoops as they cheered and clapped for their two friends.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2013 ⏰

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