One Crazy Night (Chapter 1)

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"Okay Barry, let's do our weekly abdominal scan for internal bleeding," Cisco said as he pushed the ultrasound into the room they had been keeping their comatose patient, Barry Allen, in. Cisco had taken quite a liking to Barry, as he secretly stalked him on Facebook, and found out they had many nerdy things in common. Cisco couldn't wait till the day that Barry would wake up, and they'd be able to bond over Movies and their love of science.

He squirted the blue gel over his lower abdomen then ran the wand across it. Barry had been such a medical mystery, that Cisco and the rest of the Star Labs team, which only consisted of him, Kaitlin, and Harrison, had made sure that they ran every test they could, repeatedly, so they could stop being the lab that blew up and start gaining their good name back.

"Okay, all looks good Mr. Al-wait a minute. What do we have here?" Cisco asked as he noticed a tiny blob on the screen. He took a closer look, and once he realized what it was, he dropped the wand and covered his mouth with his hands.

"KAITLIN," Cisco yelled.

A few moments later, Kaitlin Snow walked into the room with pursed lips, shaking her head.

"What is it, Cisco? Can you not perform a simple abdominal scan by yourself?" she asked.

Cisco rolled his eyes, before picking the wand back up and putting it back in the spot he'd seen the blob. "Come here," he told her. "Do you see


Kaitlin was about to say no when she noticed the spec on the screen Cisco had been pointing. Without asking, she took the wand out of Cisco's hand and started to

move it slowly so she could get a better look. "Is that a..."

"A perfectly healthy, five-week-old fetus living inside of our very male coma patient? If that was your guess, then you were correct."

"This is incredible." Kaitlin pushed a few buttons on the machine until they heard the sound of a fast, yet stable heartbeat. "The fetus is still alive, even though Mr.Allen's body went through incredible trauma when he was struck by lightning. This should be impossible."

Cisco laughed. "Yeah, the bigger question is, how it is there in the first place? Barry is biologically male, and every test, some being quite imposing for both of us, have shown that to be

accurate. So, why is there a fetus growing inside of him."

"Vanishing twin syndrome," they heard a voice behind them say, making them both jump.

"I told you if you are going to come up behind us, announce yourself, or I will put a card in your wheel, so it makes a motor-like sound like when I was five," said Cisco with clenched fists. "Now, what did you say?"

"Vanishing twin syndrome. It is when one of the twins dies so the baby is-"

"-absorbed by the other twin, of course. This is quite rare, though, isn't it?" Kaitlin asked.

Wells nodded. "Yes, quite. I'd say approximately one in every two million sets of twins," he told them as he quickly did the math in his head.

"What do we do?" Cisco asked.

"Well, we have to treat this like every other pregnancy inside of a coma patient. We ask the husband. Mr. Allen does not have a husband, so we would go to the parents. Kaitlin, call Joe West and tell him to meet us here as soon as he can."

Kaitlin did just that. They were surprised when Joe and Iris showed up, not twenty minutes later.

"Wow, you got here fast," Cisco commented as they ran into the room with large grins. Those grins fell when they noticed Barry still in the same position he was in the last time they saw him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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