Episode 1

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Welcome friends to another story. This story is half true and half false so enjoy.

So, today my friend shared a post that someone is sending her bad comments and they are harassing her by telling her that they will kill her. So, I made an imaginary story in my mind and this is it. I can't take her name so, we will call her khushbhoo Gupta.

It was a busy day in Mumbai and everyone was doing their work. It was very hot, a girl named khushbhoo was walking on the street, she was looking exhausted and she was, because of her daily work. She just wanted to go home. And then suddenly she saw a man running towards her and that man collapsed on her. That action was that fast that it didn't give any chance to khushbhoo to react. Her files were scattered on the footpath and her mobile was also fallen. That man helped her apologised and moved from there.

Khushbhoo: Stupid!

She went home and just jumped on her bed.

Khushbhoo: Now I'm feeling good. Well, let me check what's happening.

She took her bag and started searching for her phone But it was not there.

Khushbhoo: What the heck!
Where is my phone!

And then she memorizes that incident on the footpath. 

Khushbhoo: Oh no!

Suddenly someone rings the doorbell.

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2021 ⏰

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