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what is the butterfly effect?

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what is the butterfly effect?

the butterfly effect refers to the notion that
the gentle flapping of a butterfly's wings can
set in motion a sequence of events within the
environment, initially minor in nature, yet
gradually culminating in significant outcomes,
such as the gathering of a social revolution.

NOT CARING FOR HER DRY FRIZZY HAIR in a poorly-done braid, Raven Queen tippy-toed out of Maddie's and Kitty's dorm room. Holding Maddie's key card, she slowly closed the door shut, not wanting to make a sound (Kitty was a light sleeper and she just knew if Raven went out, Kitty would surely snoop and follow).

   Releasing her breath, she began her venture to the vending machines around the corner at the end of the hall. She was borrowing Maddie's slippers since she had left hers with Apple in "their" dorm room—there was no we in their, but there was an 'i'! (I as in Apple...as in Apple taking the 'i'-Look, it sounded better in her head...!). She was majorly pissed off at the blonde, because:

          1) She took her and Maddie's dorm room;
               and since Grimm plays favourites, he just
               let her-?!

         2) She decorated her side of the dorm! Who
                the actual fuck does that?

        3) She won't shut up about Raven's destiny!

   Raven doesn't talk much, at least not to people she isn't close with; social interaction mixed with her destiny...not really her thing. She was hesitant with her best friend at first too! I mean, the daughter of the person who forced her best friend and her family to immigrate a few months ago, an unlikely duo by all means.

It took her a big portion of Freshman year to understand that Madeline Hatter just wanted to be her friend. No ulterior motives. She experienced a friendship that had unwavering trust and mutual respect, something her mother never understood. Maddie was the first one to teach her not to apologise for apologising (her mother would always scold her for saying sorry which would lead Raven to go down a spiral of sorries, which her mother would respond with "You are my daughter Beta, act like it").

   Being the daughter of the Evil Queen came with...reactions, more or less. Reactions that weren't particularly friendly. The kind of reactions that made you an outcast, a social piranha. The kind that would leave nobody wanting to sit next to her in class or during lunch or in the library or during clubs and oddly enough, bathroom stalls. Freshman year, everyone practically ignored her. Sophomore year however? It seems everyone was making the effort to let her know that they're afraid of her. Raven assumes its because of Legacy Day coming up at the end of the month, everyone is starting to see each other as who they'll eventually become.

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