Pronunciation Key to Journey into the Land

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Here is the pronunciation key for all of the names in my book/books.

If your wondering why some of it is all caps, and some only initial, it's best if you look it up because that's a very important part of pronunciation. I'll add more when there are more things to add.


Vatalliana-(va-Tal-li-ANA). Glen's taljera.

Salashida-(Sal-AH-shi-da). Jeremy's taljera (deceased)

Kreatalsh-(KREE-Talsh). AKA, Seth, one of Glens best friends. Is really a taljera.

Davalion-(Da-VAL-eon). AKA, Will, one of Glens best friends. Is really a taljera.

Zertiave-(ZER-tee-Ave). AKA, The Great One. The evil dragon who is trying to take over Gonderash.


Taljera- (Tal-GEER-uh). A powerfull being with velvety green fur that shimmers, a tail with weapon-like projections on the tip, and concealed wings. It is slightly taller than waist high, or, for better comparison, the highth of a lion. It's very muscular and has a medallion embedded in it's chest. It is born with this madalion which signifies it's tribe. The females also have a precious stone embedded in their heads, just above the eyes, varying from diamonds to rubies. They are telepathic as well as vocally able to communicate. They are very wise and intelligent creatures. I made it up in the sixth grade, along with a drawing which I lost but am currently in the process of recreating.


Gonderash-(Gon-der-ASH). The land of mystical beings and other things like it.

Gelderesh-(Gel-der-ESH). The secrets of Gelderesh are the secrets to taking over and ruling Gonderash.

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