Hello my name is clockwise the clown and I'm the nice clown you will every see on earth. When I was a baby clown everyone call me clockess and that how I got my name as a teen. I like to eat dragon and I have a brother who is a psycho path and he's name is Anthony he's half clown and half human. He's not like me he's a adopt clown who was risen with me he doesn't eat normal as he should be he eats Balloons I love listen to music me while I take a bath in the mississippi River. I'm 16 year than Anthony is 14 year old and I have a sister name beautiful wise she love visiting me Because I'm her favorite brother than Anthony she eat dragon too. My mom is thinking about adopting 3 more kids and I'm like great 😒 I was born first and I was kind of loney so my mom decided to adopt Anthony than my sister was born second. Than I was not loney no more I was so happy . My sister lives with her dad and I'm stuck with my mom I have a choice to live with my mom and my step mom but my step mom so mean to me. I wish I could live with my dad but I can't Beause he's the father of pennywise and I hate pennywise so much and he gets on my nerves so bad. I remember one time my mom told me to walk Anthony when he was 10 year old. This is why my step mom is always mean to me it's because ever time I go their I talk smack or bad about pennywise and and that's why and I do have a dog name ice . Anthony has dark yellow hair , beautiful wise has light blue hair and I have dark red hair. I'm going to my step mom house and see how she will Turn out. Clockwise said"hello Pam are you home". Hello step brother said" pennywise". On no not you please oh god no said" clockwise. Glad to see you said" pennywise. Don't talk to me you hear me said" clockwise. Why not say said" Pennywise. Beause I don't like you and your so Annoying said" clockwise. Okay do I get a hug though said" pennywise. No! And this why I don't come here Beause of you pennywise Said"clockwise. It's not my fault I'm part of your your family and it's not my fault that my voice sound creepy like that how I talk clockwise said" pennywise. Oh okay I understand little bit pennywise I'm sorry and try to be nicer for me please 🥺 pennywise said" clockwise. I'm try bro in a cry voice said"pennywise. Thank you said" clockwise. I am going to try to be the best step bro that you will enjoy and never want to lost in my life said" pennywise. That's so sweet maybe one day pennywise and I'm sorry for talk smack about it I just didn't like you as much & I can't believe that am say this to you is that I had fun chatting with you said" clockwise. Awwww that's so sweet to say said" pennywise. I have to go back home to my mom and Pennywise said" wait you have 2 brother. Yes said" clockwise and What's their name said pennywise". you and Anthony and family bro maybe you and get to meet my brother said" clockwise. That would be amazing if I could said "Pennywise. Clockwise and Pennywise are getting along so well and talking to. Where have you being said" mom. Um at my step mom house talking to my step bro said" clockwise. Let me guess that you and pennywise are getting along together said" mom. Yes ma we are said" clockwise. 2 hours later I went to my dad house to see if Pennywise was here so I knocked on the door and my dad said clockwise um yes why are you here said"dad. Um is Pennywise there dad said" clockwise. Um yes why said dad. Beause I need to talk to him please said clockwise. Ok pennywise said" dad. Ok said" pennywise. Do you want to hangout said clockwise". Um sure let me get ready said" pennywise. 10 hours later okay are you ready said"clockwise. Yes said pennywise. We have to go to my house to get my brother said" clockwise. Okay said" pennywise. I have a girlfriend said" pennywise. Who is she said" clockwise. Um beautiful wise said pennywise. Omg that's my sister bro said" clockwise. Did she not tell you that she dating me the hole time bro said pennywise. No she didn't said clockwise. Are you made at me bro said pennywise. No I just wish that my sister would just tell me who she dating said clockwise. I'm just a protect that's all I wish I could have a sister cry said" pennywise. Wait your the only child said" clockwise. Yes said" pennywise. With tears In his eye are you ready to meet my brother said clockwise. Yes said pennywise. Okay this is Anthony pennywise and Anthony this is my step bro pennywise. I don't want to be rude but why does Anthony looks like that said pennywise. Beause he not a normal clown he's a half clown human too said clockwise. I have a balloon for you said" pennywise. No said clockwise. Why said pennywise beause he will eat it said said clockwise. Oops 😬 sorry said pennywise. That's oh okay said clockwise. Pennywise come here please 🥺 baby coming beautiful wise that's wrong I have to you something said beautiful wise. What said pennywise. I'm pregnant with 5 baby's omg I'm going to be a dad im going to be a dad with excited on pennywise face. Why are you so happy said clockwise. Beause I'm going to be a dad to 5 baby said pennywise. for real said clockwise. Yes said pennywise. Let me tell you that when clowns have baby's it takes like 10 hours or 1 minutes for a baby to come and he also my step bro. We'll be there in 3 hour said Joker. Ok said pennywise. In 3 hour later hello bro said Joker. Hey this is clockwise. Oh okay said the Joker and this my sister Haley. Omg who her said Joker. Pennywise said um that clockwise sisters. Ok said Joker. Does your mom know you are seen me said Joker. Um I don't think so I can't believe you are my step bro and haha said Joker. Why are you laughing at and it's not funny said clockwise. You little fat clown hahah oh you need to lost weight said Joker. Okay enough you little rat said clockwise". Aww you little clown mad said Joker. He right you do need to lost weight said Harley. Are you making fun of me beause your skin and I'm not said clockwise. Mom the Joker said call me an ugly clown said clockwise. Um sweetie that's how he is to people said mom. Hey clockwise said Joker. Um what said clockwise. Um I buy you something" said Joker. What a paper that say I'm ugly clown said clockwise. Um no close your eyes and open said Joker. Oh my awww I love its a hoodie that say I love you step bro and a voice of my baby sister in a thing and thank you pennywise said clockwise. You told me that you had a babysitter that you'll never going to see her again. I was able to see my emo brother on my birthday and my dad doesn't really care about my sister that much beause what happened to my sister got pregnant with pennywise I decided to hangout with pennywise for today beause I need to talk sometime. My family let's me see pennywise bit not the Joker bit pennywise is bigger than me I have 4 brother in my family like 2 step bro and 2 regular brother in my life. Is crazy beause I have to many dad's in my life mom told me that she going to clown adopt center and now I have 1 but now 4 brother more brothers in my life. Brothers oh my and on sister in my life.
clockwise the clown
Fanfictionit's like a family story but with clown version is like where clockwise doesn't like pennywise untill he realize pennywise story and then he expects pennywise as family. than they eat dragon and take a bath in Mississippi river and so pennywise as k...