second thoughts

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Guys thank you so much for reading and voting. Don’t be ghost readers though! I would appreciate comments as well, as they make me extremely happy. MK (you know who you are) thanks for reading, don’t freak out with what I told you! Please comment and vote.


Harry left without knowing what happened outside the clinic and I had no intention of telling him. He went back to work taking extra shifts, working overtime and I went back to my old life in uni and working a few days at the club. He came every other day for a few hours and he would spend the weekend with me.

Thankfully he didn’t come on his bike as his dad had bought him a car, he too worried that going back and forth with his bike was not at all safe. Actually that was the business he had to take care of the other day. He had purchased a car for Harry and fitted a car seat inside for the little one. He told Harry he didn’t trust him to buy a reliable family car and that is why he intervened but something told me he also didn’t want Harry spending money on it. I liked George. He wasn’t much of a talker but what he lacked in words he made up in actions. He loved Harry so much… and he was a sweet loving father who supported his son anyway he knew how.

Harry fell more and more in love with his son daily and it was so adorable to watch. He would come back from Nadia’s house describing the little things he would do, talked about how he held him, fed him, played with him…

“You do realize that all babies are the same Harry…” Rose would interrupt “they eat, shit and sleep… no miracles there” she would tease him.

“Shut up Rose” he would chuckle “What the fuck would you know about kids…”

At Nadia’s house there was no drama according to Harry. He was surprised that they treated him quite well and Nadia was very kind to him. She wouldn’t ask him to leave when the visiting hours were up or when she would give the baby a bath. She even asked Harry to give the baby a name which astounded him. You could see it in his eyes which were sparkling from contentment. This new approach was clearly working and he certainly enjoyed it.

“What do you think about Harry junior?” he asked me while we were cuddling on the living room sofa with tea mugs and a fleece blanket over us.

“I don’t think that Nadia would appreciate hearing your name all day”

“Point well made…what about George like my dad?” he asked again.

“That would make your dad very happy for sure but again I don’t think her family would appreciate it much. Why don’t you pick something else that doesn’t relate to either of your families?” I answered in all honesty.

“You are right again. Besides I am saving George for someone else?” he replied cheekily.

“Who?” I inquired curiously turning my head to face him.

He just smiled widely taking a sip from his mug brushing my hair with his fingers…

Our son…”

“wha…hold on their mister? Don’t get ahead of yourself. I am only nineteen …” I said half smiling half dying hoping he wasn’t serious but his hurt face kind of gave him away.

“I don’t mean now baby…but some day…” he continued.

“Someday in the next twenty years will see…” I rolled my eyes and he just pulled me closer as if to reassure himself rather than me.

“What do you think about Antony?” he said trying to lighten the mood.

“You know what… I love it!” I told him truthfully.

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