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  "Dis is CoCo. He luvs Yeonie and makes her feels better after Daddy huwts her."

Silence filled the room and after a few seconds Taehyung broke it. "Can you tell us your name for when you are big?"

"Chaeyeon.. Song Chaeyeon."

"Thats an beautiful name little one." He responded. The girl quickly became comfortable with the four boys, but only if Yuna was by her side.

However, what did not go unnoticed, was every time one of the males moved suddenly, she flinched greatly.


The two females and Six males sat at the table the next morning, letting the little get comfortable with them. Namjoon and Seokjin knew largely about the topic, surprising everyone. Seokjin revealed he has a a idol friend whos girlfriend is also a little.

Yoongi still sleeping, they ate breakfast and got to know the girl who woke up in her headspace still.

Yuna did not leave her side at all, making sure she was not uncomfortable. She had a lilac purple pacifier in her mouth and it didn't bother anyone one bit because she was happy.

  Coco the bear stayed on her lap as Yuna fed her bites of the pancakes Seokjin had made. There was one question however, that everyone had in their minds.

Does she have any clue who they are or even BTS? It didn't really seem like she did.

The six boys and Taehyungs sister cooed at the adorable girl.

Yoongi had finally came down the stairs, already fully dressed. Black skinny jeans that complemented his thighs, a loose black t-shirt, his mint hair peaking out from under a beanie, almost covering his eyes, and lastly red Converse.

"Heading to get your daily iced Americano?" Seokjin asked as this time Namjoon decided to come with.

The two left, still having to take the stairs because of the broken elevator.

The little became full after only four bites, making Yuna confused. "But princess you have hardly ate.."

The little shrugged and got out from her seat, going up to Jungkook. She saw him smile, trying to replicate the bunny smile he gave off. The only thing she accomplished was making everyone around the table chuckle.

"Yeonie wants colorin!" She shouted, shoving her pacifier back into her mouth. She ran back up to Yuna, pulling on her sleeve. She suddenly looked shy, maybe even nervous.

"Can yeonie cowor? It been fo eva.. yeonies daddy didn't let her cowor. Yeonie was only to do fings to make hims happy." The little explained, breaking everyone's heart.

It wouldn't be surprising to the boys if the man made her do sexual things when she was in a headspace too young to understand. The way she spoke about her old caregiver gave shivers to the elders.

Yuna pulled the little onto her lap, and everyone sat quiet. "Yeonie.. princess.. Can you tell us about what your daddy was like? Tell us about your life with him?"

She pursed her lips together, the Pacifier hanging to the side of her light pink lips. "Yeonie stay home till daddy got home from work. Daddy make Yeonie make him feel good every night. It huwt buts he says it's otay to huwt. Yeonie couldn't have fun... 'drawed a pretty picture for Daddy on t-the wall but he punish me.."

The girl sniffled, realizing just how bad the man treated her. Yuna pulled her into a tight hug. "He isn't your daddy anymore sweet angel... Your safe.."

"Buts Yeonie l-loved hers daddy... He told 'e that him loved me too."

The members waited a bit and finally convinced the girl back into a happy state, all sitting at the table coloring pictures.


"Why are you bothered by little space?" Namjoon asked the older as they walked back from the café. Yoongi looked at him before they started climbing the stairs.

"It doesn't bother me.. I just don't understand it. Plus I am busy with other things then to sit and babysit a child." the elder scoffed, taking a sip of his coffee.

They finally got back, where everyone sat in the living room, other than the two girls. Before Namjoon could ask, Taehyung blurted. "Chaeyeon is in her normal headspace and won't come out of her room. Yuna is in there with her.

Yoongi plopped into the living room chair, scrolling through his phone and sipping his favorite drink. The elder honestly didn't hear what Taehyung said, as his hearing tapped out the second they entered the dorm.

After around twenty minutes Yuna and Chaeyeon came out of the room hand in hand, and the girl just stared down to her feet making her bangs cover her eyes. When Yuna pulled her over to the couch to sit, she slightly shook.

"I am s-sorry for making you guys deal with me last night and this morning.." She trailed off, avoiding any talk of her little space. Taehyung came up to her and lightly grabbed her hand, but pulled away when she flinched.

"Sorry. But look, you don't have to be sorry.. we saw the situation you were in and didn't want to leave you like that. Your ex is a very bad person and you know that too." He explained, but she still refused to look up.

Seokjin cleared his throat. "Well it was Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi hyung who noticed you were in danger.."

The girl peaked up a bit, surprised to hear that the male that seems closed off and scary, actually cared enough to get her away from her abuser. Jimin added, "Yoongi hyung was the one who had the idea to get Yuna to get closer to you."

The girl looked at the one sitting in the chair with a coffee in his left hand and his phone in the right. His mint hair covered his eyes but not so much where you could see him looking down at the phone.

"Thank you.." She turned to Yoongi and gave a small bow, and the boy responded with a nod. These boys didn't really seem like men to her. They were goofballs who don't take anything seriously, and that was seeing then just for a few hours in a normal headspace.

"So Chaeyeon.. Do you have a job or anything? School? Do you mind me asking your age as well? You just look really young." Jungkook questioned carefully as the shy girl took a deep breath.

"I don't have a job. Taeho didn't let m-me get one. I finished school a year early because of grades and all the extra credit work I did. I am 18 years old."

The Introvert's Baby (LITTLESPACE AU)Where stories live. Discover now