Chapter 67

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Davina's POV

He told me he loved me, how can he love me He was probably drunk.

I pull off my shoes making my way to the bed. He couldn't pick a better day to say it? He can't love me it's not possible, I'm barely tolerable. When Antonio proposed to me he took me to my favourite beach in Thailand along with my family. I cried so hard the moment he went down on one knee to the moment he said I love you. It was so special and thoughtful. That was the first and last time I'd ever set foot in Thailand.

My phone rings on the table and I pick up the unknown number immediately.

"Welcome to Mexico," Salvador's voice rings through the phone

"Where is my son?" I spit out

"He's safe, I believe you're here for Carlos so I suggest you turn yourself in if you don't want a dead body,"

"I'll give you the grace to hear his voice,"

"Mama!" He cries and I put my hand to my mouth

"I'm coming, nothing is going to-"

He ended the call.

My eyes darken and I take out my pocket knife staring at the mirror. If I'm going to war then I have to look the part.

Tugging on my hair I use the knife to cut it. I stare at the mirror watching my hair go to the floor leaving me with a very low cut. I notice the blood on my hand and I watch as it drips to the floor.

"Nobody plays with my son's life," I spit and a soft knock on the door makes me whip my head around.

I open the door and Martin walks in.

"Holy shit! What the fuck did you do to your hair?" He stares at me before looking at the pile of hair on the floor.

"I'm going to war, I have to look the part," I got a call from Salvador

"We leave for battle right now, Tell everyone to get ready,"

"Are you sure?" I stare at him and he gets the message immediately

The sky is still dark and the rain is still pouring. By the time we get to the base we're raiding Cole and Martin are by my side and I nod as we get out of the truck in our all black ensemble.

I tap my Bluetooth "Dave you there?"


"We attack in five, no grenades, Carlos could be in there,"

"Five, Four," I count as everyone gets into position

"Three, two,"

The sound of a gunshot from inside the building makes all the hair on my body stand up

"They know we're here! Move!"

The soldiers run inside killing a few of Salvador's men. I walk in slowly busting the door open the gun in front of me my eyes scanning everywhere.

The sound of a gunshot from behind me makes me duck and I stay glued to the wall.

I look to see if he's still there and he keeps shooting. I take a deep breath before walking out and hitting him on the head his blood splattering everywhere.

I walk inside slowly, the sound of gunshots from outside ringing through the building.

They're using a sniper my head clicks I need to find the person using the sniper.

I walk deeper into the building and someone grabs my neck from behind.

I kick him in the shin and he lets go of me. I turn around to try and shoot him but another guy grabs my arm making the gun fly out of my hand.

I twist my hand around him kicking him and he lets go of me.

The other guy stands up and I try to make my way to the gun but he kicks it farther.

I stand in combat mode and he attempts to punch me, I duck swooping his feet from under him making him fall. I step on his chest and he chokes holding my leg trying to get it off. I press down harder and the other guy grabs me from the back slamming me against the wall and I cough hard. He holds me by my neck against the wall. I wheeze trying to get his hand off. My hand moves around my leg trying to find the pocket knife. I find the pocket knife stabbing him on the shoulder. He staggers back and I run to get my gun shooting him in the head. The other guy stands up and I raise my gun to him but a gunshot from behind me makes him fall to the ground. I look back to see Cole and Martin. 

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