LucaTracy </3

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Angst warning!!

Oh how Tracy loved Luca so much

The room is filled with darkness and the rain is pouring outside "her" house.

Her laying on her bed remembering things she used to do with Luca.

Closing her eyes, she start to remember how they met.

"And the top student from this class goes to... Luca Balsa! " The sound of people clapping could be heard, everyone clapped except Tracy who looked at Luca in disbelief.

She couldn't believe that the new student replaced her "used to be" top student position, could he be smarter than her? She shakes feeling scared.

All attention goes to Luca Balsa and she's suddenly an outcast that nobody pays attention to anymore. Tracy actually didn't mind it, what she feared is her parents wrath. She tried so hard but of course she couldn't fit their high expectations. And finally the day of the exams started..

Tracy worked so hard for the exams, but unfortunately her grades are lower than Luca. She never feels so upset in her life, yes her parents would always compare her to someone but she knew its for her own good so that she can have a good future life. Tracy sighed and decided to just eat her lunch without knowing someone approached her.

"Hey! Tracy right?" Luca appeared for behind and greets Tracy. Tracy looked at Luca and nodded then turns to her lunch again. Luca sat besides her making Tracy feel annoyed. Her blood boils whenever she sees Luca, it reminds her of how much scars she got because of him stealing her position.
"Not much of a talker aren't you?" Luca grinned, Tracy can't help but think how pretty he looks. But she ignores it anyways.
"Leave me alone.. Are you here to make fun of me?"
"What? Of course not! I just want to get to know you, you're always alone I kinda feel bad."

Tracy sighed, he's not wrong because she is always alone. But why him? Out of all people, why did her rival decided to talk to her. Looking at Luca, she feels like Luca is being genuine so why not give him a chance?

Days turned into months, months turned into years. Tracy opened up to him and told him everything that she first felt. Luca comforted her about how her parents are too controlling and how she needs a break. Both of them are more close than before and catches feelings, they stayed as friends until Luca confessed.

Tracy moved into Luca's home so she can be free from her parent's grasp and to spend more alone time with Luca. Going to the same college made it easier. They both lived a happy life together, it's always have been Tracy's dream to live freely with someone she loves.

But everything has an end, years living together suddenly goes downhill. Tracy was cooking dinner for Luca after she fixed her robot, she waited and waited for Luca to come home and enjoy her cooking. Hours has passed but signs of him coming home, Tracy wondered if something happened to him. Luca would always tell her whenever he is coming home late but he hasn't texted her anything. Suddenly a notification popped on her phone screen, it was Luca. She sighed in relief and opened the chat. "I love you" was the only thing that he sends before he gone offline again. Tracy tried to call him but no one answered.

Her biggest nightmare came true in the morning, a phone call from the hospital made her stood in disbelief. She quickly grabbed her jacket and ride her motorcycle.

Luca was stabbed.

Tracy held her urge to cry on her way to the hospital, praying he will be alright. Luck wasn't on her side this time, the doctor shook his head meaning Luca's life cannot be saved anymore.

Now her most loved person is gone


A/N: If I'm suffering then my fav characters have to suffer also 😒

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