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Rishab and Prerana continued their walking in silence towards Kukki's room lost in their thoughts but was pulled out of them when they felt tugging at their hands and looked down to see their daughter pulling them towards terrace where dinner was already set up and Prerana understood her daughter had asked for Chadhu to make pre-arrangements for dinner which made her smile and she walked willing and sat in the swing that was placed there and pulled Kukki onto her lap and started to feed her but not before serving a plate for Rishab who continued looking at her which made Prerana smile internally.

"What are you looking at Mr Bajaj, have your dinner and get a good rest tonight, tomorrow there will be a new drama waiting for us by them and my family, If I know Anurag by now he would have told everything in a twisted way to my mother and sister, who will come running to confront and teach me the value of him and his love," Prerana said that so casually which made him choke on his food and she handed him water hurriedly.

"You are being so casual about all of this and behaving as if everything is fine between me and you, Are you alright? What happened to you?" Rishab asked looking at her and she knew she had to answer but looked down feeling a tug on her wrist by their daughter and continued feeding her before answering.

"I know you have a lot of questions regarding the happenings tonight and I will answer all of them but not here, tomorrow we will go to a place which I know where we can have some privacy and I will answer all of them," Prerana said.

"You better answer Mrs Bajaj, if not I'm going to lose my sanity, that's for sure," Rishab said and the last part was crumbled by him which made her laugh.

Next Morning:

Rishab was waiting to wear a plain white shirt and blue jeans paint with the top two buttons open showing his strong muscled bare chest, Prerana came down wearing a plain red Anarkali suit after a long time shocking the whole Basu family and Rishab as they knew she stopped preferring anything red after she married Rishab but seeing her in the colour looking ethereal, beautiful and mesmerizing is something Rishab and Anurag who was standing in the hall was not expected.

"Shall we go Mr Bajaj?" Prerana asked and Rishab nodded his head and both them of walked towards the exit as today Kukki will be dropped by their helper Chandhu, so Prerana made her ready and fed her breakfast so that Shardha will not face a problem.

They entered the cafe Prerana visited the previous day in the car while Rishab drove on the instructions of Prerana and entered inside, placed their orders and walked towards the back of the cafe where it leads a beautiful scenery which was being enjoyed by Prerana while Rishab was busy gazing at her.

"Stop staring at me Mr Bajaj," Prerana said and Rishab can see a light shade of pink on her cheeks which made him surprised at the same time he smirked seeing his effect on her.

"So now that I have your attention, Can I know what all that was, that happened yesterday night and what should I think of all this?" Rishab asked and Prerana nodded her head.

"I was the only child who was close to my father and as I started to grow old, I saw how he used to struggle to keep our family united while we struggled with financial problems, I was determined to help him so I chose to let go of my dream doing fashion Designing having my own boutique, in all this Basus and their family was a part of my life, from childhood I have seen Anurag grow into a handsome and kind-hearted boy and being a girl I fantasized the idea of being married to him and becoming life partner and soulmate, maybe that was the reason I always ignored how his mother and sisters looked down on us and taunting for financial status," Prerana said and stopped reminiscing how hard it was for her in that days when she is used to hearing Mrs Basu taunting her and her family for the status, how she flaunted Komolika as her daughter-in-law in front of her, how she lost her Baba while proving what Komolika was which made tears appear in her eyes.

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