Chapter 1

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"No. Don't apologize. We are done." Once those words left Ash's mouth Serena was broad eyed. Ash turned around and unhurriedly walked the opposite way. Serena attempted to stop him by reaching her arm out, but it was too late. The boy next to Serena put his arm on her shoulder attmepting to comfort her, but he was later interupted when the honey haired girl pushed his hand away and ran the direction Ash went.


Hours Earlier

Serena applied and successfully got a job at the book store. "UGH! I'm going to be late!" The girl said to herself as she picked up the pace. Her walk quickly turned into a run as she made it into the book store. Gee! I shouldn't have slept in. I was almost late for the first day of work. She thought.

"Ah. Welcome Serena." Her boss welcomed her with a genuine smile. Her boss pointed to a boy about her age with light blonde hair and short hair. To Serena, the boy almost looked like a pop star. "This is Zack. He will help you with your first day."

Serena walked over to the pop-star-looking boy and waved. "Hi Zack, I'm Serena, and I'm a new employee here." Zack looked up at her and instantly blushed.

"Uh-uhm. Hi." He said sheepishly looking down. "Nice to meet you. Um, I'll show you what you can do." Zack handed the honey haired girl a cart filled with books."Can you put these books on those shelves over there. Make sure you put them in alphabetical order by the author."

"Alright. Gotcha." Serena winked at him in a friendly way, but Zack was wide-eyed and got the wrong idea.

"Okay! I-I' some stuff over there." He attempted to walk away coolly, but that obviously didn't work. Serena shrugged and went on with her work. The first book she picked up was Gone with the wind. One of Serena's favorites. She scanned through the shelves looking for the letter "M" for Mitchell. She did this process with the rest of the books on the cart.

Meanwhile, Ash is in the mall looking for the perfect present for his girlfriend. He gazed at the many selection of shoes, but after looking at the price he turned the other way. Now, what would Serena like. Wait, not like, LOVE. The raven haired boy thought to himself. He looked around the mall a little bit longer. Hoping he would find the perfect gift. The boy somehow wandered into a jewelery store. That's where he found the perfect gift.

A necklace with a locket on it stood before him. It wasn't too pricey, and would look gorgeous on her, He immediately asked an employee if he could buy it and handed over the money as soon as he could. Yes! Serena will definitely love this! He thought as he made the long trek to the orphanage. When he arrived it was already late, he quickly grabbed a picture of him and his girlfriend and put it in the locket. After that, he wrapped it and stuck a really fancy bow on it.

Ash slipped on a sweatshirt and stuffed the gift into his pocket. The boy happily and excitedly left the orphanage to present the gift to his love.

At the book store Serena wearily worked. "Hey guys. I have to go home early today. Do you mind closing up?" Her boss asked her.

"Yeah. No problem." She took the keys from her boss's hands waved goodbye. "Man, I'm tired." Serena informed Zack.

"Um, you can take a break."

"Really? But it will only be you who is working."

"Yeah, but it's not like a lot of people are here."

"Thank you so much!" Serena said gratefully. She sat on one of the reading chairs and closed her eyes. Thirty minutes later Serena was fast asleep. Zack approached her quietly. He stared at her, admiring everything about her. He didn't realize what he was doing, but he leaned closer and peck her on the lips. This woke Serena up from her slumber and she sat there in shock, unable to move.

"Serena?" A familiar voice stuttered. Serena turned away from the kiss and saw Ash. Standing with a gift in a one hand and a clenched fist. "N-Not again." He said teary eyed. The raven haired boy walked out of the book store. Serena ran out as well with Zack following close behind.

"You had a boyfriend?" Zack said. Serena ignored his shocking remark.

"Ash! I'm sorry! It isn't what it looks like!"

"No. Don't apologize. We are done." Once those words left Ash's mouth Serena was broad eyed. Ash turned around and unhurriedly walked the opposite way. Serena attempted to stop him by reaching her arm out, but it was too late. The boy next to Serena put his arm on her shoulder attmepting to comfort her, but he was later interupted when the honey haired girl pushed his hand away and ran the direction Ash went.

When Serena ran out of breath she looked at surroundings. No Ash to be seen. She realized how late it was and made her way home.

The next Saturday morning, Serena woke up crying. It has been a week since the break up and she still hasn't gotten over it. She was also fired from her job since she wasn't doing the best since Ash harshly ended their relationship. She would only see Ash at school, but he did his best to avoid her. What Serena didn't know was that each time Ash avoided her he regeretted what he did.

After she went shopping, yes she still shops at a time like this, she lugubriously walked home.

"Hey, pretty lady." She a heard a voice from behind her. A seemingly drunk, tall man stood before her. "Mind if I take you home?"

"Um, no thanks." The girl said nervously.

"What was that?" The man grabbed Serena's hand tightly and pulled her closer. "C'mon, let me take you home."

"Let go of me!" She screamed. Her scream caught the attention of a certain boy nearby. The boy quickly ran to the source of the scream.

"Serena!" The boy shouted. It was Ash. Ash quickly ran up to the tall, drunk man and pushed him down. The man recovered and punched Ash in the stomach. The man pulled out a switchblade and striked Ash's shoulder. The boy hissed with pain and grabbed his shoulder. "Ugh."

Seeing this, Serena grabbed her hand bag and swung it straight to the back of the man's head. The man fainted and fell to the ground.

"Haha, must have a heavy bag." Ash tried to joke. He fell onto Serena. The honey haired girl wrapped her arm around him. "I'm sorry Serena. I shouldn't have left you." Ash cried into her shoulder. Serena was broad-eyed again. "I'm nothing without you. Stay with me forever please."

Serena slightly smiled and closed her eyes. "Only if you promise you'll stay with me forever as well." She said. Ash broke the hug and smiled back at her. "Oh! Your shoulder! It's bleeding!" Serena gasped.

"It's fine. I just need a bandage."

"Here let me take you to my house, and I'll patch you up." Serena offered. Ash simply nodded his head.

Life After: Sequel to The Lone HeroWhere stories live. Discover now