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Mo's fat fucking badonkadonk ass slapped the chair below her, which created an echo throughout the entire classroom. she couldn't help having a luxurious ass. Embarrassed, she covered her red face in her sweater paws and teared up. Everyone was laughing, some kids conversing over it. "Did you hear how loud mo's ass was this morning" "yea dude it was so fuckin funny LMAOO" another kid says. Oh great. Mo thought to herself. Now i have to deal with this for another week.

She picked her head up, tears cascading down her gentle pearly skin. Anyone would stare, besides she was the center of attention. All of a sudden she feels a jacket drop on her, it feels like a rough fabric, but the inside quite comfortable. "Shaddup nerds" a voice says. Mo was curious. Who was this protecting her? Her heart skipped a beat, she looked in awe. Her giant booty covered by the mere jacket, she felt grateful. The boy had spiked blonde hair with ruby red eyes. His eyes, squinting in anger. He took a handout off someones desk, rolled it up, and chucked it at the boys who were making fun of mos gigantic ass.

"Are you ok?" The bright blonde boy said. "Y-yes thank you" Mo said, stumbling over her words not knowing what to say. There were many things mo wanted to ask in that moment, but the bell rang. Soon everyone flooded out of the classroom, taking the mysterious boy with ruby orbs with them. Mo sighed, but held the jacket with relief. At least someone cared, she thought as she shifted the jacket above her head, treating it like a blanket.

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