Late Night Train

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Dean stares out the window watching the lights blur with the darkness. Routine for a Thursday, catch the 10:35 p.m train one way to downtown, then walk half a block to the cemetery to visit his mom. He started to drift off into his thoughts but was distracted by a person boarding who never had before. They were wearing a black hoodie, and black skinny jeans. Dean started to look away so he wouldn't seem creepy when a pair of blue, crystal clear eyes that were deep and knowing as if they had seen into the very pits of hell, seen torture and torment beyond comprehension caught his. He didn't know what it was that made him do what he did next, it could have been his loneliness, fate, maybe the feeling that he knew them, that he would be safe with them. He rubbed his hands up and down the leg of his ripped jeans, gulping as the struggled to his feet.Am I really going to do this? he thought, scowling at his own movements. his varsity jacket suddenly felt too constricting, too hot. as he drew nearer, the fact that the subject he was approaching was a boy drilled into his brain. He was attracted to this boy, liked what he saw. This wasn't usual; this wasn'tnatural for him. Hadn't he just the other day scoffed in disgust at the two boys kissing behind his school? But as his feet shuffled forwards, his long legs carrying him too fast, he still found those blue eyes attractive. Even that devil-may-care black hair was calling to him.

"Uhh hi.""Hi..." The deep blue eyes met Dean's in confusion. Dean now noticed something he hadn't before he had a pair of black snake bites in his lip.

"Do you need something?" Dean snapped back to reality and blushed at the fact that he had been staring.

"I uh was just wondering if I could sit with you?"

"There is a whole empty train car and you want to sit with me?" Giving a nervous chuckle, Dean shuffled on his feet. "Whatever," the stranger said, shrugging. Dean took his place in the seat beside the stranger, all of his fear and nervousness like an ocean inside him.

"Ummm.. are you okay?" Dean cringed inwardly at his stupidity; he had been staring again.

"Yeah, uh.... Yeah, I'm fine." The boy raised an eyebrow, turning away as another awkward silence settled over them. Inwardly, Dean cursed and desperately searched his mind for a conversation starter.

"So-" the boy raised his eyes, slightly catching Dean off guard. He wasn't used to such blue eyes. Coughing awkwardly, he continued."So... What school do you go to?"

"I'm starting at Lawrence this year."

"Oh, cool; that's where I go."

"I know," Dean sent him a shocked glance, lips slipping apart.


"Your Lawrence varsity football jacket."

"Oh... What year are you going to be in?"


"Same," Dean muttered, despite not being asked.They sat awkward in silence after that. Dean fidgeting, searching his brain for something to say while the other boy seemed completely indifferent. Finally, when it seemed Dean would explode from the tension, the train pulled up to his stop, screeching as it came to a halt. He quietly sighed as he stood up, silently promising himself he would never again talk to an attractive random stranger on a train. However, just as he thought it, said attractive stranger stood up as well. They made eye contact, the blue eyes on the stranger widening as they made their way towards the door.It was the most expression Dean had ever seen from him.

"You know," Dean started apprehensively. "This is the stop for the cemetery."

"Yes, I know." The stranger granted, bawling his fist as he started to walk away. Dean decided to walk with him, keeping his mouth closed as they wound their way up the path leading to the dark hills. He continually glanced at the stranger, watching as his stony expression never changed.

"I... I'm here to see my mom," he finally muttered, watching for a reaction. The boy glanced at him, something flickering in his eyes as he nodded before looking forwards. Dean sighed. It was going to be a long night. The short fifteen minute walk was taking an eternity. the only sounds in the darkness were their shuffling feet and the occasional hoot from an owl in the distance.

"So...." Dean started trying to break the silence, " Who are you here to see? I... I mean... you don't have to tell me.... I was just curious......" The boy looked over at him and smiled, sending a flock of butterflies loose in Dean's stomach.

"I'm here to visit my sister."

"Oh... Im sorry for your loss...."

"Hahahahaha""What?" Dean looked shocked.

" I wasn't trying to be funny.... I was being sincere."

" Sorry. I know its just you're sorry but you don't even know my name."

"oh..... Sorry...."

"You say sorry too much."

"Sorry... I.. I mean uuuhg sorry." The stranger just shook his head and smiled. After a few minutes of actually comfortable silence the boy spoke.

"My name is Castiel...Novak"

"Im Dean."

"Dean Winchester."

"How do you know my last name?" Castiel smacked him on the back.

"Its on your jacket." Dean smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well this is me." Cas said stopping in front of a stone weeping angel Dean had wondered who it belonged to.

"Oh I guess I'll leave you then."

"I'll only be a second.... you could stay if you want..."

"Oh...Okay.." Dean stood to the side and watched as Cas knelt in front of his sister's grave.

"I miss you sis. You remember Alistair? Yeah I know you do. Well you were right about him all along. He was a prick." Dean felt dirty listening to all that he was saying. He felt like they were things not meant for his ears. "But don't worry I left him with something to remember me by." Cas leaned in and kissed his sister's head stone. "I love you Anna." He whispered before pulling away and putting a penny on the base of her marker. Dean could swear he saw him wipe away a stray tear before turning to face him.

"Okay. I'm good. I can wait here if you want to walk back to the station together after...."

"I'd like to walk with you ,but you can come with me if you would like. I don't mind."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." He smirked. Cas followed him down the worn path to the back of the cemetery. Dean stopped in front of a small rectangular marker on the ground."Hey mom. Dad's been gone for a couple of days and I know it will be fine but sometimes I worry about him. Sammy is doing well. He's finally a Freshman." He smiled. "He's really growing up well. He's the first in his class." Dean struggled to hold back his tears. " I really miss you mom." With that he turned and started back down the path towards the station.

"Hey Castiel, I can walk with you to the station but I never ride it home. I like to walk and get some fresh air."

"Oh." Was it just Dean or did he sound disappointed."ummm Where do you live?""umm bout five minutes from the school."

"About the same for me. Wanna walk with me?"

"I think I'd like that." They smiled at each other and continued to walk in a comfortable silence.

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