Chapter 1 - Ordinary

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The mere thought of another life form other than human's on earth has always been one to cause one of three reaction out of us,

Laughter, Fear and Curiosity.

My mother always told me that curiosity is what killed the cat, but not often do I hear people question what the cat saw that resulted in it's death.

Although I may be much too curious for my own good, I would like to believe that curiosity is an instinctive aspect of being human. While it is true that what you don't know can't hurt you, a little discomfort has never killed anyone.

There's a farm situated below the ground, every night I dream of it, from the moment I close my eyes, I find myself being guided to this farm. It's a place unknown to me, yet I seem to recall it from memory.

Growing up in a small and slow paced environment for as long as I can remember, neither poor nor rich, hungry nor deprived, such a life never resonated with me, and I spent the majority of my life feeling lost, with a void etched in my heart that I could never seem to fill. One that with each passing day left me feeling guilty and afraid.

Is this what it means to be entitled? To grow up never wanting for nothing, needing nothing, yet the overwhelming sense of nothingness left me wanting more from life, and I despised myself for it. I have always been a curious person in nature, and the prospect of discovering some hidden land or sacred item, as seen in movies, excites me.

To be honest, I live for the thrill of being the first person in the world to discover something, anything, and I'd do anything to make this dream a reality. I come from a very ordinary family with two parents and an older brother. To be honest everything about my life is ordinary, from the food that I eat to the clothes that I wear, the school that I attend, right down to the way that I look. I'm your typical ordinary human being, how boring is that right?.

But still I cling on to the possibility of being somehow different, because even though everything else in my life is ordinary, there's one thing that's special about me, and it has to do with this dream that I've had since I was six years old.

It is the only dream I have ever had, even as a teenager, it remains that way. Amazing, it's it? I have yet to tell anyone about this because then it would seize to be special. Every night I look forward to being taken there, sometimes I wonder if it isn't a dream, but I'm sure that's just wishful thinking on my part for I'm prepared to hold on to the slightest hope that I too, can be unique.

Today was a typical Monday, which meant I had school this morning, and I was awoken by my mother's cries from downstairs in the kitchen, demanding I get up. Only to be greeted a moment later by the sound of my alarm clock, and just like any routine, my body had now grown accustomed to this, and my eyes automatically opened as I sprung out of bed, only to lay back down less than a minute later, now wide awake, I let out a big sigh as I quietly mumbled to myself

" Good morning to you too."

As I laid flat on my bed, staring at the blank white wall that was my sealing, which appeared to be staring right back at me.

Now having had a moment to think, I shouted back to my mother

" I'm awake!"

and she would always reply with

"well go get showered and get ready for school, breakfast will be ready in five minutes."

Before I knew it, I was mouthing her precise response only to have her repeat the same thing; it was all too predictable, which I found amusing.

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