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Metal struck metal. Steel against steel. Blade met blade. These were the repeated sounds of swords clashing across the battlefield. Perhaps the only sound these two warriors were accustomed to. That they were ever allowed to live through.





The sounds never stopped. Ferocity met calm. Blood lust against lost pride. Rebellion against cynicism. These were but few of the ways these two clashed in, yet were bound by something more. Black and white struck silver. Sparks flew everywhere. Speed not possible by normal humans shown by the blurs of red.

Eventually, a final clash of blades occurred, locking against each other for just a brief second before the two opponents backed off. They took that moment to assess each other's condition.

The male of this battle took a breath, several bruises and cuts all over his body. His red cloak was tattered and blood seeped over his right eye. His left arm was severely damaged, yet he still raised both his shortswords in preparation, his grey eyes boring into his opponent.

The female of the combat bared a feral grin, not nearly as many wounds on her. However, a cut adorned her cheek, and her armor was dented everywhere. Her armor across the abdomen was nearly sliced off, but she still raised her sword as her blonde hair bellowed in the wind.

The two stared off with each other for quite some time, neither making a move nor a sound. Eventually, the female spoke.

"Heh, what do you know? After all our time up to this point, I'm glad that my desire for this was not a fruitless one."

"Well, I am glad that I have not disappointed you. I aim to please." The male retorted calmly.

"Though, you got to admit, you don't seem to stand a chance against me. The differences between us are clear, and you know it. You can't win." The female proclaimed.

"Maybe so, and yet you have not managed to finish me off." The male pointed out. "You have landed many blows, but not the fatal blow. Not very good for the reputation of a knight such as yourself."

"Don't get so cocky! For that comment, I'm gonna make sure you feel twice as much pain here!" The female shouted.

She then roared, pulling her sword, and actually throwing it towards the male with great force. The male, caught off-guard by the action, quickly brings up his blades to knock the incoming sword away. But that costs him as the female is suddenly onto him in a flash, and punches him as hard as she can in the face. The male has no choice but to skid back, visage contorted in pain as his opponent catches her sword and begins swinging at her opponent with ferocity more matching a wild beast than an honorable knight. The male warrior barely kept up at this point, controlling the flow of battle as he warded off the blows aiming to kill as much as he could, silver pushing back black and white.

The female then kicked the male warrior in the gut, and used the chance to swing her blade down to cleave him in two, but the intersecting of his two swords blocked the blow. She grunted in annoyance, but suddenly her sword was pushed away and she barely avoided a kick aimed for her midsection, backing up to put some distance. However, when she did, the white sword was suddenly thrown at her, and on instinct, she dodged it. However, that left an opening as her opponent charged and swung his sword. The female managed to block it in time with an upward swing, but she suddenly saw the white sword suddenly coming back towards her. Eyes widening, she barely sidestepped, the sword grazing her cheek as her opponent caught it. Thoroughly frustrated with that, she suddenly swung downwards with incredible speed, her opponent barely backing away in time to dodge it before skidding to a halt, staring her down.

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