- summer -

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„ Oiiiii !" Hitoka yelled as she waved around with her arm.

I smiled as soon as I saw my best friend waiting in front of the Karasuno Highschool Gate. The weather was surprisingly warm which seems like a good start into the new school year. The birds were twittering in the background whilst the sun rays warmed my skin. The light cool breeze moved me hair slightly around as I ran to hug Hitoka. I approached her with a bright smile and laughed as I jumped into her arms. She hugged me tightly and inspected me. I could already read from her face what she was pondering about but I kept quite.

Hitoka still looked at me and screamed " YOU. LOOK. ABSOLUTELY. FANTASTIC. WOW. " while she applauded and approved my looks.

Her cheering however, drew the attention of other students around us and while I blushed from the compliments I received from Hitoka , I noticed that the other students were now starting at me and even whispering too. Unfortunately one of the students that checkt me out was the well known settler Tobio Kageyama and his small best friend and wannabe - little giant - Hinata. The thought of Kageyama looking at me made my cheeks burn. He never gave me any attention which is why I lost my feelings for him quite a while ago. I was kind of secretly watching his matches back in junior high and kind of had a small crush on him.

What am I talking about ? I had a big crush on him but I just keep on lying to myself , hoping that one day I will just get over him. The ice cold volleyball player that was such a loner, has also changed into a much more warm ,but still distant ,person. He was finally playing in a team which genuinely cared for him and admired the way he played like I once have. It's so ridiculous of me to fall in love with someone I never really talked Tobit something aber Kageyama makes me to this day flush.

Hitoka and I finally went to class together and chatted a bit while lunch break. She told me everything about her vacation and her now role as a new manager position at the Karasuno volleyball team , whilst adding how I could visit her in the schools gym.

" You have changed so much I cannot believe it. Just look at you ! What happened ?" She teasingly sneered.

I chuckled " Just working on myself, I guess ?".

The summer holidays were the perfect opportunity to work on myself. I moved out of my parents house and had the freedom that I never experienced before. Hitoka was in Europe over the summer so my only friend that I had left me all alone. I tried out new styles , brought some makeup, changed my diet and tried everything out. I finally took some time to find myself. I even tried some new hobbies such as painting , sports or watched some new anime's. Personally, I would say that , i had a very successful summer. Sure I was most of the time by myself but it gave me some time to do some self reflection. Looking back , I don't regret anything but I am sadly still this shy girl that no one really pays any attention to, sitting at the back of the class and just doing what she's told to do. Sometimes I wish I would be one of those extroverted girl that always look pretty , get invited to parties and date whoever they want to. I would occasionally dream about a life of a pretty and popular girl but at the same time I kinda liked the nerdy anime weeb average student type of personality.

" (L/N) !" Hitoka grabbed my shoulders and shook me. „So rude I'm talking to you !" she complained.

„Ah sorry sorry ! Please continue!" I shyly apologised.

As Hitoka was continuing talking about her price charming that she found in Italy , I felt someone staring at me again. I tried focusing on her story but got distracted by those insensitive stares. I looked over where they were coming from and as expected , someone was indeed looking at me. I didn't know their names but they had a malicious yet dirty grin on their face. I noticed that one guy was definitely in the volleyball team. Was he the spiker ? No , he was the Libero of the volleyball team! Next to him stood probably a friend of his.

" HEY ! No spying when I'm around if you wanna say hello to (L/N) then just do it !" Hitoka yelled at the two players.

„ but ...Hitoka-chan that's so unfair that you won't even introduce us to (L/N) !" the Libero yelled back while his cheeks blushed a little.

" Urg fine !" Hitoka turned back to me and introduced me to the guys " so this small guy is the Libero of the volleyball team his name is Nishinoya..."

"IM NOT THAT SMALL !!" Nishinoya whined.

"...Sure ....and that guy next to him Tanaka." Hitoka continued.

I nodded and sheepishly said " Nice to meet you."

" I have never seen you before ! Are you a new student ?" Tanaka ask.

" No I ... I have been here for quite a long time..." I shyly admitted.

Tanaka laughed " There is no way in hell that I wouldn't notice such a cute girl."

I blushed but didn't know what to reply. Luckily Hitoka stepped in and pushed the two nosy Volleyball players out of our classroom. I was so glad that I have her by my side as she is just like a big sister to me. Hitoka genuinely cares about my well-being and I appreciate that more then anything. She always listens to me no matter when or where and very protective. I would do the exact same thing if not even more.

" How rude was that ?! Boys ..." Hitoka grumbled.

I would go through hell for this friendship.

🦋 Butterflies🦋./ love triangle/ Kageyama X (YN) X  Oikawa Where stories live. Discover now