The Moment Of Lost

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The cold breeze brushing on my face making me feel comforted and safe. Inhaling the relaxing air I looked at the clock which just stroke to 7 a.m in the morning. I took a deep breath and fixed myself in front of the mirror.

Today at exactly 7:30 I will be arriving at a restaurant meeting the person whom stole my heart, my feelings, everything. Meeting my first and forever love. Meeting him again after 4 years of longingness wanting to see him.

I took my car keys and rode towards the said location. Upon arriving their I entered the venue as a waiter guided me towards the spoken seat and there I saw him. Singto Prachaya, the one and only. My one and only Lion, my one and only P'sing.

He waved at me and smiled, oh that smile. 4 years and finally I saw that smile of his again. I gave him my warm smile and headed towards the table. As I walked I can't help but to avert my gaze on the woman next to him who's also smiling at me.

I helted my steps when he stood up and hugged me. The hug, this hug that I lost for 4 long years. Oh how it feels warm after all those years. A tear dropped as I remembered our memories together. I remembered how he always hug me like this. A care of touch, I hugged him tightly not minding the eyes that were on us.

He pulled back and wiped the lost tear on my cheeks. Smiling bitterly I looked up and his face just a few inches away from mine. I miss this, I miss his face, his touches, his smile, his presence.


"Yes Kit it's me your P. Did you miss me?"

What kind of question was that? Does he need to ask that? It's obvious that I embarrassingly teared in front of all the people here because I'm overwhelmed that finally after 4 years here he is again. In front of me with his loving eyes staring at me.

Oh how I miss this, I want those to come back. Our free careless selves back, the teasing of our fans, the teasing of our friends. How I miss doing fan meetings with him, being cute to him, being his nong.

"What kind of question is that P? Ofcourse I do"

He chuckled and I chuckled along with him. Oh how i miss his laugh, his half closed eyes when he chuckles. His cheeks that become chubby when he smiles, I want to pinch it, I want to caress it.

"Well then let me introduce someone to you Kit"

I just nodden and guessed it's the lady who's seated on our table. She looks pretty, elegant and her wavy and gentle movements. Who is she? And what is she to my P'sing?

"Kit, this is Carley..."

I bowed and wai'ed to her showing my respect. As for the looks of it she looks a little older than me.

"My fiancè"

I can feel my insides shutting down, taking away all my appetite. Taking my good mood, taking away my senses as my smile dropped and I looked at her. No wonder why they were touchy and feely, no wonder this woman is so close to P'sing. She's the lover.

I can feel something piercing through my heart as those thoughts run through my mind. I felt my breath getting uneven, I felt my dreams collapsing. I waited, I waited for him to come back. I dreamt of us together, back together.

I don't know why I'm thinking this. Ofcourse he's gonna have a fiance which will be a female. I like him, longer than I ever thought but it hurts to think that he will never look at me he way I look at him.

My heart sinking, getting tight, getting heavy. Why am I being like this? It's my fault anyway. If I wasn't such a coward and just told him my feelings, but then again 'rejection'. I'm scared of rejection, scared of losing our friendship. Scared of losing him.

Only Memories Remained Between Us [Republished] ✓Where stories live. Discover now