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In an instant second, everything can change. As someone had said before, there are moments in your life that can change things forever, and before you know it, life has made you someone new or brought you somewhere new.

Many times have I felt like that. Moving here has changed me and my surroundings. Making me someone foreign to my past self. I wouldn't have thought that I would be in a hospital staring at babies.

Actual, babies.

The cries of the little humans on the nursery floor had me thinking of Celeste. I wonder if she's ok, she lost a lot of blood when the fireworks were happening, and she wasn't conscious.

We all wondered what could be the cause of the event. She was safe. She wasn't near the fireworks, and she didn't stay in the jacuzzi for too long. Her doctor even cleared her for travel. Chase said he noticed her wincing in pain before the fireworks but she said it was Braxton hicks. Could that be it? Was she in labor and just started bleeding excessively? Is that what happens during childbirth?

God, I hope not. I can't wrap my head around any of it. There was so much blood that stained the snow and her clothes. Trevor's hand was covered in blood. Too much blood to even come out a mother with a healthy baby.

I really hope they're both ok.

When Trevor yelled for help, all our hearts stopped at the moment and ran to her. It was hard to get a hold of someone to help. We figured we'd just rush her to the ER ourselves. It was a rush, and we were all panicking. No one knew what to expect.

I look through the glass and down at one particular baby named Elijah Miller. Since Celeste lost a lot of blood, they had to do an emergency C-section on her. The family is tense in the waiting room, waiting for some good news from the doctors. In comparison, I am trying to stay positive, mainly for Trevor and Chase.

I know how much they love her. They both were under stress in the waiting room when I was there. While they are doing that, I'm here staring at babies.

So many cute babies.

Did my father even get to take a look at me before he left? Did he even care to check on my well-being? He cared to put his name on the birth certificate but why leave us? Leave me? I'm not even the mother of this baby in front of me but there's this feeling of security that I can't pass up. I feel like if I leave this baby and take him out of my sight, something will happen.

Why couldn't my father have that parental concern for his own kid?

"He's a cute kid, huh?" Trevor comes from around the corner. Suddenly I don't feel worried about walking away now, because Elijah's father is here.

"You guys did an amazing job. He has your blonde hair." I smile while watching him move around with his little legs and arms. His skin is wrinkly and his feet are long and small.

"He has her eyes too." His head goes down, worried.

"She'll be ok." I rub his back for comfort. "She'll pull through. She has a family to get back to."

This will be the second time we are in the hospital for Celeste's sake.

"I know. I'm worried, let alone scared that I'm actually a father. I have a life to watch over, besides my own. If she doesn't pull through, then I don't know what I'm going to do."

I lean into him and rest my head in his shoulders. "It's scary, I know. Is there anything I can do to help till then?"

"You can distract me from the worse." He replies.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now