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This chapter contains sensitive topic, such as harassment. Once again, it's a fair warning.

Disclosure, I am not promoting any type of sexual harassment behavior. Unfortunately, sexual harassment is real, screwed up, and it happens every day in people's lives.

So please, if you have a weak stomach for that, then I recommend you to skip this chapter.

I'm getting dressed in my room when Rose shouts for me to hurry. Why did I agree to this again? I guess it beats having to be around Delilah and Trixi, but being near Jackson isn't any better. Something in my head was telling me to stay home tonight, that maybe Chase would eventually call. I pull down my black dress that hugs my body but slits by my upper thigh. I didn't want my hair in my face, so I chose to slick it back into a tight ponytail. Not much makeup was applied just my mascara and lipstick. Before we left I checked my phone once more for his call or text.

Still, nothing.

I sat in the back of the car with Jackson while Roger was driving. The whole ride, I talked about the cabin trip and the birth of Elijah.

Jackson told me he didn't want to hear anything about that. He wanted to hear more about Chase's reaction to Archer and me. The only person that knows is Rose, and I don't feel comfortable saying anything. I told them we kissed, and that's it, then Rose had, of course, slipped up afterward and mentioned the plan B pill I had to take. Basically, They already figured that I slept with him. Roger was shocked, and Jackson wasn't. His opinion of me losing my virginity to my, boss, is hot.

And that's when I decided to ignore him for the rest of the night.

He seemed to never change.

We get to the club, and the bouncer let us in without saying a word. The laser lights flash everywhere, and the music bumps rackety, having everyone dancing freely or moving their head to the music.

"Let's go take shots!" Rose tells me, and I follow her.

I know I promised myself that I would never end up here again. But it's not like I have a problem. I don't need alcohol to solve anything. Like Dr. Gonzales said, as long as I'm being responsible then everything is fine.

We're at the bar getting drinks. It wasn't the least bit concerning that they weren't looking for ID. All three of us are taking shots except Roger. He went to talk to some girl with jet-black hair. I remember when he first told me about his ex-fiancé the first night we met. I don't think I have ever seen him with someone till now.

"Who is that girl?" I ask Rose after taking my fourth shot.

"Tina. Roger met her last week here, and he's crushing hard." She giggles.

I smile at the sight of them together. She is very pretty. I really hope the best for Roger and her.

The bartender poured us our fifth shot. I shake my head. "After this one, I think I'm done." If I already feel loose, then I think I am ok.

"Yeah, right, you say that now." Says Jackson.

Rose takes hers. She slams her hands on the bar table and stands up from the stool. "I see a girl staring at me, so I'm going to shoot my shot. I'll be back. You don't have to take it if you don't want to. Give it to Jackson." She tells me before walking off.

"I guess that leaves us," Jackson smirks at me.

I hold up my shot glass and tip the drink in my mouth. To this day, I don't like the burn or Jackson. "How about...no." I stand up, and he grabs my arms.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now