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The first week of classes went by quickly and easily. I have today and tomorrow off, but Sunday, I have to go in and help Archer pair actors with the characters. I've come to realize the opportunity Archer has given me is spectacular and very fortunate. I can't help to think of it happening because he always liked me. What if all of this is because of his feelings? Should I still stick with the opportunity even though I know the reason behind It?

Dr. Gonzales, titled it, grooming me, but I can't help to think this one particular thing is to really help me.

Just thinking about it sounds wrong.

I've been thinking about telling Chase about the play and giving him a copy to read of his own, but I feel like he wouldn't even care.

I put on my light purple suit and stare at myself through the mirror. I had another one of those dreams again last night, but this time it was calming. For a second, I thought that maybe my mom was trying to reach me through my dreams. We were both outsides, and she was in the middle of taking off my training wheels while I was on the sidewalk crying, scared for my life.

She would always tell me this story. I would cry from the beginning of the sixth street all the way to the end, where it overlooked the lake. What I didn't know was she had already let go of my bike from the beginning. I was riding by myself. For the most part, I didn't need her.

I miss her. Even though she caused headaches and fights between the both of us with all the drinking, I still loved her, and I knew she loved me twice as much.

"Are you ready?" I see Chase walking up behind me and through the mirror. His tall fine figure makes me melt in many ways. Then, he stands In front of me and kisses me on my forehead.

"Not quite." I slant my lips and pull out a copy of my short play and hand it to him.

"What is this?" His brows rise with curiosity.

"It's my script. I want you to read it and tell me what you think." I nervously place my hands in my back pockets.

"I was wondering when you would let me see your work." I notice the corner of his lip lift in a smirk. "I like to know what art is in that pretty little head of yours."

"I didn't think you would ever care about my writing. Remember, I was boring?" I smirk.

"And you still are." He laughs. "But that doesn't mean I wouldn't support you." He plants a kiss on my lips and holds on to the script. "Now, let's go before my mother calls me again."

We drive over to his parent's house to meet with Mary and the others. Chase already knew why she wanted us here, and so did I.

I must mean something to Mary if she's asked me to come along and listen to what she has to say. Something like this should be a family matter.

Mary walks up to us with black heels, jeans, and a plain white buttoned-down shirt. "My favorite couple." She wraps her arm around me for a hug.

"That's not fair. We're the ones that gave you your first grandchild." Celeste tells Mary while rocking the baby in her arms.

"Actually, it was me. She has Xavier too." Chase includes.

"Oh please, mother, and I know that kid isn't yours," Celeste tells Chase.

Finally, it feels good to know I'm not the only one that feels that way about Xavier. He's a cute kid and all, but I don't see the resemblance. His own nephew looks more like him than his child.

I just go along with it because I know how happy it makes Chase.

"Shut your damn mouth, Celeste," Chase tells her. I nudge him, warning him to stay cool.

Addicted To You (TO BE PUBLISHED) Where stories live. Discover now